DX Radio DX News - June 1999

This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in June 1999.

Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.

June 30, 1999

Propagation - Only meteor pings again. A Finnish dxer reported Wales/Stoke briefly via Es this morning around 0920 GMT.

04.00  87.6 CZE Impuls, Brno                                       2203 _IMPULS_       MH
04.22  87.6 CZE Impuls, Brno                                       2203 _IMPULS_       MH
09.35  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
14.07  87.6 CZE Impuls, Brno                                       2203 _IMP  S_       MH

June 29, 1999

Propagation - RAI crept in just before midnight (GMT) via meteor.

23.57  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH

June 28, 1999

Propagation - Nothing to report today.

June 27, 1999

Propagation - Nothing noted. 87.6 is splattered by both R Wimbledon and a pirate. Also a pirate on 87.9 in addition to the satelite tuner spurious emission from Southall on 87.85 ... in fact a quick scan produced 13 other pirates in the 100-108 MHz range alone, obviously there are yet more between 88-100 MHz. Weekends are definately not good times for dx-ing from here.

Non-dx - Following London pirates noted today with RDS

14.00 102.0  G  ??                                                      OUTCAST_ qrm   MH
18.00  99.3  G  Upfront FM                                         6944 UPFRONT_ good  MH
18.05 103.6  G  Flex FM                                            35AB __FLEX__ v gd  MH
18.07 102.0  G  ??                                                      DJ_XFADE qrm   MH
18.10  92.5  G  Taste FM                                           D2FE TASTE_FM fair  MH
18.15  90.2  G  Pure Magic                                         1356 PURE_MGC fair  MH
22.45  90.4  G  Vogue FM                                           35AB VOGUE_FM fair  MH
22.50 101.2  G  Unique FM                                               _UNIQUE_ fair  MH

RSL - RM-FM from Croydon heard here on 107.0 MHz. Phone no for dedics 682 9200.

16.00 107.0  G  RM-FM, Croydon.      pop music and talk                          weak  MH

June 26, 1999

Propagation - Just a couple of meteor bursts again to (guess where) RAI-1.

01.37  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
04.28  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH

June 25, 1999

Propagation - No E's today and barely any meteor either - just a tiny "burst" this evening. Have had some tropo to France - usual candidates eg Opalis 87.9, Musique 89.4 etc.

20.03  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH

June 24, 1999

Propagation - Absolutely nothing today ... at least in unattended 87.6 monitoring mode.

June 23, 1999

Propagation - It had to happen ... Sporadic E to Poland while I was at work. EFMH '97 lists Radio Dla Ciebie on 72 MHz channels and 100.8 101.1 101.9, but 87.6 is obviously "new" and 101.0 replaces 101.1 at least per the AF list received today.

04.12  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF         MH
09.27  87.6  I  Italia Network  (presume the EFMH listed 87.65)    5241     LIA_       MH
10.25  87.6 POL R Dla Ciebie                                       3B3B __RDC___       MH
                AF Head: 87.6                                           __2:42__
                AF: 100.8 101.0 101.9                                   _Ostrow_
      RT: 00-977 Warszawa, ul. Mysliwiecka 3/5/7  reklam  - 621-13      _1.644Hz
      RT:     kie Radio - Regionalna Roz  osnia "R     dla C  bie" S.A
22.37  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH

June 22, 1999

Propagation - No E's today and hardly any meteor either - just a 5 group "burst" this afternoon.

15.56  87.6  I  Rete Italia                                        5212 _ITA           MH

June 21, 1999

Propagation - No E's today. Big meteor ping from Croatia at midnight, and a "usual" one from Italy later.

00.00  87.6 HRV HR-2, Uglian (per EFMH'97)                         6342 HRT-HR_2       MH
                AF Heads: 98.1 91.9 99.2 98.1 89.0
                AF: 99.4 93.3 99.2 96.1 90.5 96.9 103.4 99.0 97.5 105.3 87.6 89.0
04.07  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH

June 20, 1999

Propagation - Lots of Tunisia today on 87.6. In fact I even drove into work at 1020 GMT listening to it on the car radio, yet nothing else dx-wise was coming in. A pretty steady signal with slow fades. More like a tropo or shortwave type signal.

01.50  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
07.59  87.6 TUN ERTT                                               7202 INTER___       MH
08.12  87.6 TUN ERTT                  YL talk and music            7202 INTER___ good  MH
09.29  87.6 TUN ERTT                  YL/OM and music              7202 INTER___ good  MH
                AF Head 99.5    AF: 92.0 101.8 97.2
10.09  87.6 TUN ERTT                                               7202 INTER___ fair  MH
17.27  87.6 TUN ERTT                                               7202 INTER___       MH
18.05  87.6 TUN ERTT                                               7202 INTER___       MH

Non-dx - And of course being the weekend, lots of London pirates.

08.11  88.4  G  Ice FM                                             1234 _ICE_FM_ good  MH
08.17  90.4  G  Vogue FM                                           35AB VOGUE_FM fair  MH
08.18  90.2  G  Pure Magic                                         1356 PURE_MGC qrm   MH
08.32 103.6  G  Flex FM                                            35AB __FLEX__ vgood MH

RSL - And lastly, Radio Wimbledon is now on-air on 87.7 broadcasting coverage of the imminent Lawn Tennis Championships.

08.00  87.7  G  Radio Wimbledon      tape loop of 1998 highlights  C095 WIMBLEDN weak  MH
                RT: The official radio station of the Lawn Tennis Championships 1999

June 19, 1999

Propagation - Saw the postings today with Finland getting Turkey, Russia and Italy, also Turkey being heard in Belgium ... but here ... another duff day.

03.38  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
17.22  87.6  I  Italia R (BA)                                      5216 ITALIA R       MH

June 18, 1999

Propagation - At last some action ... not a lot but some. I'm on late shifts at the moment, so didn't wake up til 0930. Hence the slight tune around to 88.6 - but nothing much else seemed to be coming in. Unattended again 1040+, and didn't appear to miss much.

00.30  87.6  I  Radiosa, Matera                                    5446                MH
04.17  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
04.25  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203                MH
07.14  87.6  I  Italia R (BA)                                      5216 ITALIA_R       MH
07.37  87.6  I  Radiosa, Matera                                    5446                MH
08.37  87.6  I  Rete Italia (BZ)                                   5212 __RETE__
                AF: 104.3 96.8 104.7 87.6 97.1 97.7 97.6 104.8          _ITALIA_       MH
08.49  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
08.54  87.6  I  Rete Italia                                        5212                MH
08.56  87.6  I  Italia R (BA)                                      5216                MH
09.25  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
                AF: 87.6 87.9 94.3 92.5 95.7 89.7 88.7 92.3 95.5 87.9 88.5 90.1
09.30  88.6  I  Radio Radicale                                     5210 RADIO___
                                                                        RADICALE       MH
10.59  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
15.15  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPULS_       MH
                AF: 96.6 91.4 92.1 106.0 100.3 87.6 89.0 100.9 102.9 102.0
                RT:         PULS - CESKA        RA - T    YTI_DOPRAV  NFORMACE

June 17, 1999

Propagation - One ping to Impuls.

02.27  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _I  ULS_       MH

June 16, 1999

Propagation - Just some meteor pings to Italy.

05.36  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
22.29  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
22.46  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH

June 15, 1999

Propagation - Wow ... a different station ... though again only one ping and about 16 RDS groups.

18.39  87.6  I  R Subasio             (Partial PS only)            52FD   BA           MH

June 14, 1999

Propagation - And again ... just one meteor ping ... though this one did result in >16 RDS groups unlike yesterday's which gave just 2 groups.

20.31  87.6  I  RAI-1                 AF: 89.7 88.7                5201 RAI_MF1_       MH

June 13, 1999

Propagation - Repeat performance again ... just one meteor ping.

02.30  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH

June 12, 1999

Propagation - Just 1 meteor ping noted to Italy, no Sporadic E noted again today.

02.55  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH

June 11, 1999

Propagation - Just 3 meteor pings to Italy, no Sporadic E noted again today.

03.10  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
04.30  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
16.12  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH

June 10, 1999

Propagation - Only meteor pings, no Sporadic E noted today. Nice to get VAL 202, also Impuls again. Apparently Impuls only switched on RDS on 8 June, so my log two days ago must be one of the first with their RDS. (Thanks, Jan!)

03.02  87.6 SVN VAL 202, Murska Subota-Pecar                       63A2                MH
05.36  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
05.48  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
15.30  87.6 CZE Impuls, Brno                                       2203                MH
18.25  87.6 CZE Impuls, Brno                                       2203 _IMPULS_       MH

June 9, 1999

Propagation - Overnight meteor pings, no obvious Sporadic E noted today, though John Faulkner thinks that there was some to Spain/Portugal early on. Then nothing for the rest of the day.

02.16  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
04.17  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
07.51  87.6 POR Seixal FM                                          8042 SEIXALFM       MH
09.01  87.6  E  Onda Cero Radio, (Plasencia?)                      E2EE                MH

June 8, 1999

Propagation - Overnight meteor pings, no Sporadic E noted today. Best meteor pings noted at 2101-2104 ... yes they were 2 separate sustained ones.

03.36  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
03.41  87.6 CZE Impuls, Brno                                       2203 _IMPULS_       MH
04.39  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
06.29  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
21.01  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
21.03  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH

June 7, 1999

Websites - found the following Italian radio sites with frequency listings ... Radio Venere, Lattemiele, Radio Company and Radiosa. Thanks also to Fabrizio Carnevalini.

RDS - Note that R Venere has changed PI code ... now 544A, last year 5A0D.

Propagation - overnight meteor pings, a small Sporadic E opening at 1007 and a little bigger one at 12.30-1305 to Italy. Short, weak opening to Spain around 1655.

01.51  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
03.30  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
04.48  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
07.25  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH

10.07  87.6  I  Italia Radio                                       5216 ITALIA_R       MH
10.28  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
10.57  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH

12.33  87.6  I  Radiosa, Matera                                    5446           weak MH
                PS Names: _RADIO__ *SDIOSA_ RADIOSA_ *SEMPRE* LIVE_SU_
12.37  87.95 I  R Laser (MT)                                       5C0B   LASE    weak MH
12.44  87.7  I  R Venere, Lecce (LE)  pop & DJ                     544A           QSB  MH
12.45  87.9  I  R Company (FG)        pop, DJ with ID, pop         5A71 COMPANY_  weak MH
                AF: 93.2 97.8
12.48  87.8  I  Lattemiele (BA)       YL advert, pop               5355 LATMIELE  weak MH
                AF Heads: 92.7 92.0 103.5
                AF: 100.3 92.7 106.6 94.0 105.5
12.50  87.7  I  R Venere, Lecce (LE)  pop, talk, adverts           544A VENERE_   fair MH
                PS Names: E_PRCC._ LERZA___ LECCE___ DA______ VENERE_
                RT:____Broadcast Equipment       AEV on internet at www.aev.net
                AF: 101.7 91.7 87.7 96.8 106.0 102.1 104.3 91.5
12.55  87.5  I  un-id

16.55  87.7  E  un-id ... no RDS                                                  QSB  MH
16.57  88.0  E  SER ... 2 listed in EFMH'97 ... Cieza likliest?    E279 __SER___  weak MH

June 4, 1999

Propagation - Another mid-evening Sporadic E to Italy ... I was at work, so the following is from the unattended RDS log. Thanks to Herman Wijnants for checking PI codes, also of course the All Time FM log. Of course 87.9 here could include 87.85 and 87.95 offset channels.

18.59  87.9  I  R Camaldoli Stereo (NA)                            5045                MH
18.59  87.9  I  un-id                                              51FF                MH
19.00  87.9  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
19.06  87.9  I  Italia Network                                     5244 *ITALIA_       MH
                RT: *ITALIA NETWORK * via Satellite                     NETWORK*
19.08  87.9  I  likely R Margherita, Palermo                       5042                MH
19.15  87.9  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_       MH
19.21  87.9  I  likely R Margherita, Palermo                       5042                MH
19.30  87.9  I  R Maria                                            51CC                MH
19.47  87.9  I  un-id                                              5275                MH

RSL - Vodafone FM noted on 87.7 MHz for the Derby race meeting this coming weekend at Epsom.

June 3, 1999

Propagation - meteor pings detected as follows

00.30  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
03.26  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH

June 2, 1999

Propagation - meteor pings detected as follows

07.34  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201                MH
07.43  87.6  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_       MH
20.05  87.6 BEL RTBF-1, Leglise   (jet scatter?)                   6351                MH
23.33  87.6 SVN VAL 202, Murska Subota-Pecar                       63A2                MH
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