DX Radio DX News - February 2000

This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in February 2000.

Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.

February 29, 2000

Pirate RDS - Bassline FM were using RDS Monday evening on 97.9 MHz. PI:0FFF PS: BASSLINE

February 20, 2000

RDS - Slough pirate Point Blank FM has changed frequency yet again and is now on 96.1 MHz.

Propagation - Again a decent size meteor ping to France this morning.

08.43  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg.                        F202 _CULTURE fair  MH

February 19, 2000

RDS - Yet another London pirate on-air with RDS, The Oscillator FM on 90.8 MHz.

00.50  90.8  G  The Oscillator FM                                  2334 OSC.90.8 strng MH

February 18, 2000

Propagation - Big meteor ping to France in the afternoon. Longest duration for some time.

00.41  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202   ULTURE short MH
14.12  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202 _CULTURE good  MH

February 17, 2000

RDS - BBC Radio 1 changes PS Name to Radio_1_ - Thanks Neil for the tip.

Propagation - Couple of meteor pings, plus the BBC Radio 1 change of PS Name.

00.59  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202          brief MH
02.13  87.7 SVK Funradio, Kosice                                   2311          brief MH
11.19  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
13.32  98.5  G  BBC Radio 1 .... with new PS Name                  C201 Radio_1_ strng MH

February 16, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted.

February 15, 2000

Propagation - Another London pirate gains (or rather regains) RDS with a different PI code than previously.

01.45  92.7  G  The Mac, London                                    59AD _MAC_FM_ strng MH

February 14, 2000

Propagation - Couple of meteor pings. Rinse FM back on but weaker and now without horizontal polarization it appears.

01.06  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg.                        F202          brief MH
13.54  87.7 SVK Funradio, Kosice                                   2311          brief MH

February 13, 2000

Grundig - Knut Otterbeck sent me a link to his Grundig Satellit website with details about all models.

February 11, 2000

DDH47 - DDH47 came through nice and clearly on 147.3 kHz for their last special broadcast commemorating 100 years of maritime radio in Germany. They have a website too (mostly in German). I've transcribed the entire broadcast (but for obvious reasons it won't be online here until after the end of March, which is their deadline for reception reports).

Propagation - Rinse FM have finally disappeared from 87.6 MHz, but alas there is still another pirate on that channel although rather weak here. No meteor pings yet noted here or on 87.7 MHz.

February 10, 2000

Propagation - Minor tropo to usual French and Belgian sites in the early hours, but no real dx noted.

00.43  90.4 BEL Radio 3, Egem.             classical music         6303 RADIO_3_ fair  MH
00.46  94.7  F  Frequence Nord, Lille      music                   F905 RF_FNORD fair  MH
00.51 103.7  F  France Inter, Lille        talk                    F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
00.52 105.2  F  France Info, Lille         talk                    F206 __INFO__ fair  MH
02.40  89.8  F  France Musique, Abbeville    classical music       F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH

February 9, 2000

Propagation - Monitored 89.9 MHz. Interesting when BBC R2 does pop up occasionally, but no real dx noted.

Italy MW - Steve Whitt is asking for details about RAI's local MW stations. He's currently got three sets of information which contradict each other.

February 7-8, 2000

Propagation - Monitored 87.9 MHz to no avail.

February 6, 2000

Propagation - Still some tropo in the early hours but it was quietening down.

03.34  97.1  F  France Musique, Mantes-la-Jolie.  classical        F203 MUSIQUES weak  MH

February 5, 2000

Propagation - At last some action as the high pressure weather moved SE into Europe.

06.15  87.9  F  Contact FM, Le Touquet.    Pop                     F931 CONTACT_ fair  MH
                Multiple PS Names   CONTACT_  ___FM___  TOUQUET_  HESDIN__
10.19  88.0  D  SR-1, Gottelborner Hohe.   adverts, ID, pop                      weak  MH
10.23  88.7  F  France Musiques, Lille.    classical music         F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
10.23  89.2  F  France Musiques, Reims.    classical music         F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
10.24  89.4  F  France Musiques, Epinal or Boulogne.  Class music  F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
10.24  89.8  F  France Musiques, Abbeville classical music         F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
10.25  90.3  D  un-id German ... probably WDR-5                                  weak  MH
10.25  90.4 BEL Radio 3, Egem.             classical music         6303 RADIO_3_ good  MH
10.25  90.5 BEL RTBF-2 Wallonie, Liege.    songs                   6352 WALLONIE good  MH
10.26  90.8 BEL Radio 21, Profondeville    talk                                  weak  MH
10.27  92.6 HOL NOS-2, Lopik               Dutch talk                            fair  MH
10.28  92.8 BEL RTBF-2 Wallonie, Profondeville.  songs             6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
10.30  93.9  D  un-id German  WDR-4??      adverts, weather reports              weak  MH
10.31  95.1  D  WDR-3, Langenberg.         classical music         D393 _WDR_3__ fair  MH
10.33  96.6 BEL RTBF-3, Anderlues          classical music         6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
10.34  95.6 BEL Radio 21, Liege.           pop                     6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
10.35  96.1 BEL RTBF-1, Premiere, Wavre.   music                   6351 PREMIERE good  MH
10.36  96.8  F  France Inter, Reims.       song, OM talk           F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
10.38  98.0  F  France Culture, Lille.     talk                    F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
10.39  99.1 BEL Radio 21, Anderlues        pop                     6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
10.40  99.5 BEL RTBF-3, Liege.             classical music         6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
10.42 100.2  G  Dream 100 FM               ID and pop                            weak  MH
10.43 101.1 BEL RTBF-2, Wallonie, Wavre    songs                   6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
10.44 101.4 BEL Studio Brussel, Genk       OM talk (Flemish)                     weak  MH
10.45 101.8 BEL RTBF-2, Wallonie, Tournai  songs                   6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
10.47 101.9  D  WDR-5, Stolberg            music                   D395          weak  MH
10.49 106.0 BEL RTBF-1, Premiere, Tournai  OM talk                 6351 PREMIERE fair  MH
10.51 104.7  D  un-id German ... probably WDR-1                                  weak  MH

February 4, 2000

RAJAR - The UK Radio website has details of the latest RAJAR listening statistics and responses from various stations.

February 2-3, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted from home. Did get a fade up of Century (Winter Hill) on 105.4 while south of the M4 near the A46 junction (just east of Bristol) around 2235.

February 1, 2000

Propagation - Brief tropo or tropo scat to Contact on 87.9

16.05  87.9  F  Contact FM, Le Touquet.                            F931          brief MH
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