DX Radio DX News - August 2000

This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in August 2000.

Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.

August 28, 2000

Propagation - Westside began their 28 day RSL from Southall today on 87.7 MHz.

12.00  87.7  G  Westside FM, Southall    music and chat            C096 WESTSIDE good  MH

August 27, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 26, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 25, 2000

Propagation - Morning tropo opening to Germany, and Belgium. Nothing in the heat of the day, then the band opened up again in the evening until 0100 when it began to rain and thunder.

Chris Eden in Cheshire also reports that he enjoyed good reception of London stations Heart, Jazz, Virgin and Kiss during the evening as well as Vibe FM from East Anglia. Conditions echoed by Tim Bucknall in Congleton.

00.42 106.0 BEL RTBF-1, Tournai          music                     6351 PREMIERE fair  MH
00.45 105.6  D  SWR-4, Donnersberg       German talk                             weak  MH
00.47 101.4 BEL VRT Studio Brussel, Genk music, news at 0100                     fair  MH
00.48 101.1 BEL RTBF-2, Wavre            pop music                 6352          fair  MH
00.49  96.5  F  Fr Inter, Rouen          pop music                 F201 __INTER_ good  MH
00.53  90.4 BEL VRT-3, Egem              YL opera type song        6303 RADIO_3_ good  MH
00.55 106.4  D  WDR-1, Stolberg          pop, YL DJ ID's                         fair  MH
01.06 105.6  G  Kick FM                  pop first time RDS here   C699 KICK_FM_ fair  MH

08.09  88.0  D  SR-1, Gottleborner Hohe  pop music                 D3B1 __SR_1_  fair  MH
09.14 107.1  D  SWR-4, Haartkopf         Music, YL talk            DCA4 SWR4_TR_ fair  MH
09.17 107.4  D  SWR-4, Koblenz           music, ID                               weak  MH
09.33  99.5 BEL RTBF-3, Liege            classical music           6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
09.34  99.5 BEL RTBF-3, Profondeville    classical music           6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
09.40 106.4  D  WDR-1, Stolberg          YL talk, music            D391 EINSLIVE good  MH
09.45 107.1  D  SWR-4, Koblenz           pop music                 DCA4 SWR4_TR_ good  MH
09.53  95.6 BEL Radio 21, Liege          pop music                 6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
09.55  96.1 BEL RTBF-1, Wavre            OM talk                   6351 PREMIERE good  MH
09.56  96.6 BEL RTBF-3, Anderlues        music                     6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
10.03 104.4  D  WDR-4, Barbelkreuz       news until 10.05          D394 _WDR_4__ fair  MH
10.04 105.6  D  SWR-4, Donnersberg       news, traffic, weather    DCA4          fair  MH
                                         "SWR4 R Kaiserslautern"

19.56  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg   talk                      F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
20.55  89.5 BEL VTR-3, St Pieters-Leeuw  music, YL talk (v pol)    6303 RADIO_3_ fair  MH
20.56  88.0 HOL NOS-2, Smilde            country/pop, ID (v pol)                 fair  MH
20.56  88.2 HOL NOS-2, Roermond          country/pop, ID (v pol)                 fair  MH
20.57  89.0 BEL pres R Donna, Schoten    pop  (v pol)                            QRM   MH
20.57  87.7  D  MDR Kultur, Chemnitz     classical mx, OM, YL ID                 fair  MH
20.57  87.9  D  MDR Kultur, Inselsberg   classical mx, OM, YL ID                 fair  MH
21.02  94.2 BEL VRT-1, Schoten           YL "Radio Een", OM nx                   fair  MH
21.03  95.7 BEL VRT-1, Egem              OM news                   6301 RADIO_1_ good  MH
21.05  99.1 BEL Radio 21, Anderlues      pop music                 6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
21.07 102.1 BEL Studio Brussel, Egem     slow pop, YL DJ           6304 STU_BRU_ good  MH
21.10 105.1  D  R FFH, Hoher Meissner    rock music                D368 **FFH*** good  MH
                RT: _+_gute_  _Fahrt__  wuenscht  **FFH***  ***RADIO
21.12 106.0  G  Century 106              talk                      C3AB CENTURY_ good  MH
21.18 106.4  D  WDR-1, Stolberg          YL talk  // 106.7 107.0                 weak  MH
21.18 106.7  D  WDR-1, Velbert           YL talk  // 106.4 107.0                 fair  MH
21.18 107.0  D  WDR-1, Olsberg           YL talk  // 106.4 106.7                 weak  MH
21.20 104.6 BEL Radio 21, Tournai        promos, jingle, pop       6354 RADIO_21 fair  MH
21.21 104.3  D  HR-4, Biedenkopf         melodies                  D364 __HR4___ good  MH
21.28  99.2  D  pres WDR-2, Velbert      music, talk                             fair  MH
21.29  99.0  D  pres HR-1, Hoher Meissner OM talk                                fair  MH
21.30  99.1 BEL Radio 21, Anderlues      pop music                 6354 RADIO_21 fair  MH
21.32  98.6 BEL VRT-2, Egem              pop/melodies              6302 RADIO_2_ fair  MH
21.33 100.1 BEL VRT-2, Egem              pop/melodies              6302 RADIO_2_ fair  MH
21.35  95.1  D  WDR-3, Velbert           modern classical          D393 _WDR_3__ good  MH
21.50  99.7 BEL Radio 21, (unknown)      // 99.1 MHz                             fair  MH
22.32  87.7 HOL NOS-2, Wieringermeer     OM talk // 88.0  (v pol)                fair  MH
22.38  90.8 BEL Radio 21, Profondeville  pop music                 6354 RADIO_21 fair  MH
23.16  92.3 BEL RTBF-2, Anderlues        pop music                 6352 WALLONIE good  MH
23.17  92.8 BEL RTBF-2, Profondeville    pop music // 92.3         6352          fair  MH
23.19 102.6 BEL RTBF-3, Tournai          classical music           6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
23.24  88.2  F  R Classique, Lille       classical music           F221 CLASSIQ_ fair  MH
23.59  89.9 BEL VRT-3, Genk              classical music // 90.4   6303          fair  MH

August 24, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 23, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 22, 2000

Propagation - One meteor ping from France Musiques on 88.0 MHz.

07.41  88.0  F  Fr Musiques                                        F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH

August 21, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 20, 2000

Propagation - Noticed that Point Blank FM has changed its RadioText.

08.15 108.0  G  Point Blank FM, Slough.                            0753 PT_BLANK good  MH
                RT:'This is West Londons FINEST! Tel:07715 440760 Text or Telephone '

August 19, 2000

Propagation - Radio Caroline was on-air via Orfordness on 1296 kHz during morning and afternoon today. Signal was fairly strong here, but greatly suffered from adjacent channel Premiere Radio on 1305 kHz, which made listening difficult and unpleasant.

10.00  1296  G  R Caroline via Orfordness  pop music and ann's                   QRM   MH

August 18, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 17, 2000

Propagation - Noticed that Contact FM on 87.9 has added more frequencies to its AF list.

12.00  87.9  F  Contact FM, Montreuil                              F931 CONTACT_ fair  MH
                AF: 87.9 : 106.5 91.2 90.7 98.6 94.2 100.8 104.4 88.0 93.8

August 15-16, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 14, 2000

Propagation - Some meteor pings today.

21.30  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH
21.58  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH

August 13, 2000

Propagation - Received E-alerts from the Midlands, but very little happening down here.

09.59  88.0  E  RNE-5                                              E615          fair  MH
11.36  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC          fair  MH

August 12, 2000

Propagation - Early morning tropo to SW Germany and Luxembourg.

06.46  88.0  D  SR-1, Gottleborner Hohe  pop music                 D3B1 __SR_1__ fair  MH
                AF: 89.3 98.6 91.9 92.3
08.31  87.9  F  Contact FM, Le Touquet.  pop music                 F931 CONTACT_ good  MH
08.32  88.9 LUX RTL Marnach              pop music  AF 92.5        7210 RTL-LUX. good  MH
                RT:'RTL Radio Letzebuerg  Emetteur de Dudelange Frequence: 88,9 MHz '
                RT:'RTL Radio Letzebuerg  Sender Dudelange Frequenz: 88,9 MHz   '
08.32  89.4  F  Fr Musiques, Epinal     somewhere over the rainbow F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
08.33  89.8  F  Fr Musiques, Abbeville   // 89.4                   F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
08.33  90.2  F  Fr Musiques, Neufchatel  // 89.4 89.8              F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
08.34  88.7  F  Fr Musiques, Lille       // others                 F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
08.34  92.7  F  Fr Inter, Neufchatel     YL talk                   F201 __INTER_ good  MH
08.34  93.0  D  SWR-2, Haardtkopf        classical piano mx        D4A2 __SWR2__ good  MH
08.35  93.8  D  SWR-2, Waldenburg        // 93.0                   D4A2          fair  MH
08.35  93.9  D  SWR-2, Bornberg          // 93.0 93.8              D4A2          fair  MH
08.36  96.2  D  SWR-2, Achern            // 93.0 93.8 93.9         D4A2          fair  MH
08.36  94.0  F  Fr Culture, Rouen        OM talk                   F202 _CULTURE good  MH
08.36  94.7  F  RF Frequence Nord        pop music                 F905 RF_FNORD good  MH
08.37  95.5  D  SR-3, Gottleborner Hohe  OM talk                   D3B3 __SR_3__ good  MH
08.40  97.5  D  SWR-3, Bornberg          OM ID                                   fair  MH
08.42 100.7 LUX Honnert 100.7, Marnach   OM/YL talk                7212 RSC100,7 good  MH
                RT;'Honnert,7 de soziokulturelle Radio  '
                RT:'24 Stonnen op 24'
08.43 101.7  D  R Salu, Saarbrucken      pop music                 D3B8 __SALU__ good  MH
08.46 104.7  D  WDR-1, Nordhelle         OM ID                                   fair  MH
08.46 106.0 BEL RTBF-1, Tournai          talk                      6351 PREMIERE good  MH
08.46 107.1  D  SWR-4, Haardtkopf        German pop music          DCA4 SWR4_TR_ good  MH
08.54 105.6  D  SWR-4, Donnersberg       YL talk, OM ID, music     D7A4 SWR4_KL_ good  MH
08.58 107.2  D  SWR-3, Kettrichhof       adverts, pop music        D3A3 __SWR3__ good  MH
09.10 106.8  F  Fr Info, Metz or Thionville  // 105.2 106.5        F206 __INFO__ fair  MH
09.17  90.0  D  SWR-3, Haardtkopf        pop // 107.2              D3A3          fair  MH
10.00  97.7  D  DWR-1, Haardtkopf        OM ID                                   fair  MH
10.02 106.7  D  RPR-2, Kalmit            ID, music                               fair  MH
10.03 107.6  D  RPR-2, Bornberg          music // 106.7                          fair  MH

12.16  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203   MPUL   brief MH

August 11, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted today on 87.6 MHz.

August 10, 2000

Propagation - Some meteor pings today.

01.39  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
13.54  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH
14.08  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH

August 9, 2000

Propagation - Some meteor pings today.

12.18  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH
19.51  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
22.21  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH

August 8, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted today on 88.0 MHz.

August 7, 2000

Propagation - Spain came in briefly in the late afternoon.

16.46  88.0  E  RNE 5                                              E615          brief MH

August 6, 2000

Propagation - Just one brief burst to Poland, less than 3 minutes long.

17.09  87.9 POL R Maryja, Lodz                                     3232 R:MARYJA fair  MH

August 5, 2000

Propagation - Another morning opening towards Italy, and brief pings in the late afternoon.

09.44  88.0  F  Fr Musiques, Ajaccio                               F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
10.13  88.0  I  One O One Network (FR)                             5215          brief MH
10.30  88.0  I  Publi R Network, Taranto (TA).                     50C3 PUBLIRAD fair  MH
11.10  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
15.27  87.7  I  RAI-1                                              5201          fair  MH
18.57  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2203          brief MH

August 4, 2000

Propagation - Propagation began towards Tunisia, then moved to Spain and Portugal - but where is AFIFENSE ?

07.41  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ fair  MH
08.03  87.6  E  Onda Cero                                          E2EE ONDACERO good  MH
08.38  87.6 POR Seixal FM                                          8042 SEIXALFM good  MH
08.58  87.6  E  Cadena Cien                                        E2CE CAD-CIEN weak  MH
09.16  87.6  E  RNE-1                                              E211          fair  MH
09.55  87.6 POR R Afifense (who/where?)                            80AB AFIFENSE good  MH
12.10 101.5  E  Radiole                  OM talk, Sp music              RADIOLE_ good  MH
12.17  87.6  E  RNE 5                                              EB15 RNE_5___ fair  MH
12.51  87.7 POR RDP-1                    YL songs  AF: 97.9        8201 ANTENA_1 good  MH

August 3, 2000

Propagation - Again just a few meteor pings on 87.7 MHz today.

04.53  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
07.06  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
10.32  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH

August 2, 2000

Propagation - Very brief reception of an un-id Italian on 91.5 MHz overnight (meteor ping).

00.49  91.5  I  un-id Italian                                      5083          brief MH

August 1, 2000

Propagation - Monitored 87.9 MHz today, but just logged many tropo fade ups of Contact FM.

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