This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in November 2000.
Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.
November 29-30, 2000
Propagation - Nothing noted.
November 28, 2000
Propagation - Couple of very brief RDS level pings.
06.27 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 09.27 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH
November 27, 2000
Pirates - New station in London with RDS, first pirate to use lowercase I think.
01.00 90.8 G Lightnin FM 0000 Lightnin fair MH
November 26, 2000
Propagation - Much fewer pings now.
04.07 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
November 25, 2000
Propagation - One good ping from Hungary during the afternoon.
02.04 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 _I brief MH 16.27 87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor B206 _SLAGER_ fair MH
November 24, 2000
Propagation - Nothing noted on 87.6 MHz all day.
November 23, 2000
Propagation - Pings becoming less frequent.
01.23 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 04.17 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 10.07 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 19.31 87.6 I RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM) 5201 brief MH
November 22, 2000
Spurious - BBC R Gloucestershire appears to have fixed the spurious emission.
Propagation - About 2 meteors a minute giving bursts of audio. Good to get some RDS from the German station as well.
01.10 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 03.24 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 04.06 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 05.48 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 06.34 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 09.46 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 10.52 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 11.57 87.7 D MDR-Kultur, Chemnitz D3C3 brief MH
November 21, 2000
Spurious - BBC R Gloucestershire is radiating a strong spurious emission on 1493.5 kHz. It's coming from the Berkeley Heath transmitter (500 Watts nominal on 1413 kHz). This is propagating very well, and has already been logged in Denmark, Holland and at Sheigra. Engineers at the station know about the problem and Crown Castle are aware and working to rectify it. The 1493.5 kHz emission is proving easier to hear than their allocated channel of 1413 kHz for many people outside the local area.
Propagation - Still quite a few meteors around overnight, but none during the day today.
00.34 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 02.21 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 04.07 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 06.20 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 07.36 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
November 20, 2000
Propagation - Less pings overall, but they were bigger.
06.31 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRADIO fair MH 08.56 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 10.46 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 _CULTURE fair MH AF: 87.7: 88.6 88.7 92.4 92.5 95.2 95.4 98.0 98.7 99.4 102.7 89.0 90.7 94.5 95.0 23.39 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH
November 19, 2000
Propagation - Only RDS-ing ones today have been from Slovakia. I have been running the RDS decoder 24 hours a day, not just from 0600 !!
05.16 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 06.45 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 14.05 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 16.15 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 17.39 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRADIO brief MH
November 18, 2000
Propagation - Many meteor pings overnight, and right through the day.
00.27 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 06.18 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 06.37 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 06.53 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 _CULTURE brief MH 07.14 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 07.37 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 07.50 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 14.40 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 15.20 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 18.36 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 19.11 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 19.43 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
November 16-17, 2000
Propagation - Many meteor pings heard, but none up to RDS levels. Nearly all on 87.7 were French.
November 15, 2000
Propagation - Some meteor pings this evening.
19.56 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 20.21 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
November 14, 2000
Propagation - Some meteor pings this evening. Now Khalsa FM has ended its RSL, I can monitor 87.6 and 87.7 again.
17.45 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 _IMPUL brief MH
November 13, 2000
RSL - Avenues FM began its 14 day RSL today on 87.9 MHz from West London. Studio phone: 020 8964 1241 (from James Vertigan)
November 10, 2000
26 MHz - Heard the DeutscheTelekom test transmission from Jülich this afternoon on 25740 kHz. Thought it was scheduled for 1500-1600, but evidently happened 1400-1500 UTC. Happened to tune in "early" and heard their fair signal with clean audio until 1500 s/off. DeutscheTelekom's latest transmission plan can be downloaded in PDF format.
WFLA in Florida were also audible in narrowband FM on 25870 kHz with their studio to remote site link.
Glenn Hauser recommends this website for a listing of stations using feeders, remote links etc around 26 MHz.
There's also this FCC database search page, where you can find all kinds of licencees. including "remote pickups" ie cue sound feeders.
14.58 25740 D DeutscheTelekom, Julich tone and announcements fair MH 15.15 25870 USA WFLA Tampa FL newstalk fair MH
November 3, 2000
RSLs - The Southall RSL Khalsa FM on 87.7 MHz has gained an RDS coder. PS: _KHALSA_ PI: "C095" RT: "Khalsa FM 24 Hours Gurbani Radio". The Slough RSL Radio Punjab on 107.4 MHz is also audible though a little weak.
Pirates - A new pirate "Flame FM" heard on 103.6 MHz late last night, and Dance-UK has shifted from 96.1 to 96.2 MHz.
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