This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in December 2000.
Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.
December 26, 2000
Propagation -
13.27 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
December 25, 2000
Propagation - C201 is normally BBC R1, but not on 87.7 MHz. Otherwise very little action the past few days.
17.59 87.7 ? who else uses PI:C201 ? C201 brief MH 22.24 87.7 ? who else uses PI:C201 ? C201 brief MH
December 21, 2000
Propagation -
06.44 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
December 19, 2000
Propagation - Brief burst from Hungary for a change.
17.12 87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor B206 brief MH
December 18, 2000
News - Flava FM changed their PI code again on 87.6 MHz ... now 1424.
22.06 87.6 G Flava FM, East London (pirate) 1424 FLAVA_FM fair MH
December 17, 2000
Propagation -
20.29 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 brief MH
Propagation - Niger are being heard on 45.65 MHz from their Zinder transmitter (nominal 91.3 MHz). Heard by Juergen Lohuis in Germany including a local ID at 1400 UTC in French: Ici la Voix du Sahel, Station Regionale de Zinder.
December 16, 2000
News - FLR have changed their RDS to FUSION__ following their sale to Fusion Radio Group.
03.07 107.3 G Fusion, SE London C594 FUSION__ fair MH RT: 'THE SOUL OF SOUTH LONDON '
December 15, 2000
Propagation -
12.53 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 _IMPULS_ brief MH 18.43 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 _IMPULS_ brief MH
December 14, 2000
Propagation -
09.33 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 brief MH
December 13, 2000
Propagation - BIG ping from Impuls at 09.26 this morning. Got almost all the RadioText too.
19.26 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 _IMPULS good MH AF: 96.6 : 102.9 102.0 91.4 92.1 106.0 100.3 87.6 89.0 100.9 09.40 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 _IMPULS brief MH
December 12, 2000
Propagation - Just Czech Rep today. Have noticed that Italy is not at all common this autumn.
11.21 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 _IMPULS_ brief MH 22.24 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 MP S_ brief MH
December 11, 2000
Propagation - Thought I'd swap to 87.6 for a change.
00.44 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 18.14 87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor B206 _SLAGER_ fair MH 18.55 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 MPUL brief MH
December 10, 2000
Propagation - Still many pings.
01.51 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 02.18 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 03.30 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 18.10 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH
Local radio - FLR 107.3 now IDs as "107.3 Fusion Radio", but its RDS hasn't yet changed to reflect the new identity.
Pirate - Itch FM heard on 105.15 with RDS _ITCH_FM and PI:2132.
December 9, 2000
Propagation - Nothing yesterday, but lots today.
08.13 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 11.33 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 15.43 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 17.03 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 23.56 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 _CULTURE brief MH
December 8, 2000
Propagation - Nothing noted.
December 7, 2000
Propagation - Long ping from Fun Radio in the late afternoon.
06.46 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 16.49 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRADIO fair MH
Pirate - Rinse FM back on air after a long absence, testing on 87.7 MHz in the evening.
December 6, 2000
Propagation - All Culture today.
02.11 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 07.36 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 09.56 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
December 5, 2000
Propagation - Again fairly big pings overnight.
00.09 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 UL RE brief MH 01.26 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 _CULTURE brief MH 06.32 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 _CULTURE brief MH
December 4, 2000
Propagation - Lots of pings today, some quite sustained.
07.12 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRADIO brief MH 11.13 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 12.17 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 _CUL RE brief MH 12.57 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 ULTURE brief MH 17.33 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRADIO brief MH
December 3, 2000
Propagation - A few RDS level pings.
02.33 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 21.29 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 22.22 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRAD brief MH
December 2, 2000
Propagation - Couple of very brief RDS level pings.
02.15 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNR brief MH 11.16 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 NRAD brief MH 17.12 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRAD brief MH 22.34 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRADIO brief MH
December 1, 2000
Propagation - A few RDS level pings.
04.45 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 ULTU brief MH 05.38 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH
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