This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in February 2001.
Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.
February 28, 2001
Propagation -
12.01 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 _IMPULS_ fair MH
February 27, 2001
Propagation -
23.27 87.6 I RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM) 5201 brief MH
February 23, 2001
RSL - BBA Radio now using a UK authorised PI code.
01.50 87.9 G BBA Radio, Southall C096 _bba_fm_ good MH RT: 'bba radio - promoting a better way of life '
RSL - And later in the day they added a second line of RadioText.
16.50 87.9 G BBA Radio, Southall C096 _bba_fm_ good MH RT: 'bba radio - promoting a better way of life ' RT: 'Log on to and check out the station schedule'
February 22, 2001
RSL - BBA Radio stopped the PS rotation, but still using a non-UK PI code.
10.04 87.9 G BBA Radio, Southall 5158 _bba_fm_ good MH RT: 'bba radio - promoting a better way of life '
February 20, 2001
Propagation -
13.12 87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor B206 brief MH 16.32 87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno 2203 brief MH
February 19, 2001
RSL - BBA Radio in Southall started their RSL today, with this RDS encoding.
01.44 87.9 G BBA Radio, Southall 5158 good MH PS: back____ to______ rule____ the_____ airwaves
February 18, 2001
Propagation - Some tropo in the mid-evening which then died away.
05.45 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 19.19 87.6 BEL RTBF-1, Leglise until 20.50 6351 PREMIERE good MH
February 15, 2001
Propagation - Tropo coming and going overnight. Not so distant in the morning. Interesting how different aerials pick up stations. The horiz beam gets 105.2 Fr Info - the vert dipole Wave 105, similarly 106.0h = Belgium 106.0v = Century, 103.7h = Fr Inter 103.7v = BBC C&W, 91.5 gets either Europe 2 or Fr Culture.
00.15 95.1 D WDR-3, Langenberg classical music D393 _WDR_3__ fair MH 01.40 107.4 G Connect FM pop music weak MH 10.30 105.1 G Galaxy 105 dance track, ID, adverts weak MH 10.35 105.2 G Wave 105 pop good MH 10.40 106.0 G Century 106 rock music fair MH 10.41 106.4 G Vibe FM DJ saying they're hrd in Newbury fair MH 10.42 107.2 G Win 107 FM pop weak MH 10.43 104.8 G BBC SCR Burton Down phone-in qrm MH 10.44 103.6 G BBC R Swindon talk about Census fair MH 10.45 103.7 G BBC C&W interview with poilitician weak MH 14.36 90.4 BEL VRT Klara classical music 6303 __Klara_ good MH AF: 89.5 : 89.9 90.4 96.4 92.0 14.45 93.7 F Europe 2 (on v only) pop // 91.5(v) fair MH 14.45 91.5 F Europe 2 (on v only) pop // 93.7(v) weak MH 14.46 91.5 F Fr Culture (h only) talk F202 _CULTURE fair MH 14.50 95.4 F Fr Inter Carol King clips, IDs weak MH 14.52 94.2 F un-id French pop music weak MH 15.00 92.7 F Skyrock (v only) pop F214 SKYROCK_ fair MH 15.02 95.1 G BBC R Norfolk local news and wx fair MH 15.04 95.5 G BBC R Bristol travel news weak MH
February 14, 2001
Propagation - Tropo favouring usual French sites and some Belgium, plus south coast of England.
08.00 102.0 G Spire FM news, pop fair MH 08.05 103.4 G BBC R Devon news fair MH 08.20 87.6 D un-id OM talk v wk MH 21.15 102.1 BEL Studio Brussel, Egem pop, talk about Macromedia fair MH 21.20 101.4 BEL Studio Brussel, Genk // 102.1 fair MH 22.40 87.6 D HR-3, Biedenkopf OM talk and ID, music weak MH 22.44 106.4 D un-id talk weak MH
February 9, 2001
Propagation -
05.31 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 _CULTURE fair MH
February 8, 2001
Propagation -
07.13 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 08.09 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
February 6, 2001
Propagation -
10.34 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 10.52 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH 12.39 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH
February 5, 2001
Propagation -
02.51 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 _CULTURE fair MH 13.32 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 brief MH 20.14 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
February 4, 2001
Propagation -
10.11 87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice 2311 FUNRADIO good MH RT: 'ANOUK - NOBODY'S WIFE '
February 3, 2001
Propagation -
06.37 87.7 F Fr Culture, Strasbourg F202 brief MH
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