DX Radio DX News - June 2001

This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in June 2001.

Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.

June 29, 2001

Propagation - At last ... some Sporadic E. R Durdevac (Djurdjevac) is listed in EFMH'97 with just 300 Watts.

11.56  87.6 HRV R Djurdjevac                                       C076 DURDEVAC fair  MH
                RT: 'SLUSATE RADIO DJURDJEVAC 87,6MHz'
12.25  87.6  I  Easy Network, Padova.                              5361 E_A_S_Y_ brief MH
                AF: 87.6 : 92.9 98.7
12.52  87.6 HRV HR-2                                               6342          brief MH

June 28, 2001

Propagation - Nothing.

June 27, 2001

Propagation - Briefest of meteor pings.

01.13  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH

June 26, 2001

Propagation - Brief tropo in the mid morning to Germany for 15 minutes.

09.00  87.6  D  HR3 Biedenkopf                                     D363 __hr3___ fair  MH

June 18 - 25, 2001

Propagation - No Sporadic E on FM noted here on 88.0 MHz via auto-logging.

June 17, 2001

Propagation - Two very brief Sporadic E openings.

10.26  88.0  F  Fr Musique, Ajaccio                                F203          brief MH
17.34  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
18.08  88.0  I  un-id                                              5495          brief MH
18.11  88.0  I  Radio 105                                          5211 .RADIO_. good  MH

June 16, 2001

Propagation - Two very brief Sporadic E openings.

16.06  88.0  E  RNE 5 (multi site)                                 E615          brief MH
18.17  88.0  I  Publi R Network, Taranto (TA).                     50C3 PUBLIRAD fair  MH

June 15, 2001

Propagation - I seem to have missed out on the opening at lunchtime, apart from these brief logs.

03.02  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ brief MH
11.08  88.0  E  R Nervion, Bilbao (Pva)                            E343 RNERVION good  MH
                PS: RNERVION  __MAS___  _MUSICA_
                AF: 88.0 : 93.1 94.2
12.21  88.0  E  RNE 5 (multi site)       no apparent AF            E615 RNE_5___ fair  MH

June 14, 2001

Propagation - Brief Sporadic E to Italy late this afternoon.

17.33  88.0  I  Radio 105                good for 2 mins           5211 .RADIO_. good  MH
17.51  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ brief MH

June 13, 2001

Propagation - No Sporadic E on FM noted here today.

June 12, 2001

RSL - R Carousel are on-air with their RSL on 106.6 from Rothwell in Northamptonshire until July 1st. Their RDS is PS: CAROUSEL with PI:C096. Check the Radio Carousel website for more information.

Propagation - No Sporadic E on FM noted here today.

June 11, 2001

Propagation - E's just fading into Band 2.

12.16  88.0 SVN Slo 1, Krim                                        63A1 _SLO_1__ fair  MH
                RT:'OD  JN    RIM____________'
13.06  88.0  I  R Birikina (TS)          pop                       526E BIRIKINA fair  MH
                AF : 91.8 : 104.2 92.9

June 10, 2001

Propagation - Very brief opening to Poland.

19.09  91.5 POL PR-3, Luban                                        3233 _POLSKIE fair  MH

June 9, 2001

Propagation - Very brief opening to Italy.

18.03  88.0  I  Radio Radicale                                     5210          brief MH
18.03  88.0  I  R Capital                                          5219          brief MH

June 8, 2001

Propagation - No E's noted here today ... at least not by auto-logging on 88.0 MHz. But Belgian and other SE England dxers heard Tunisia 1745-1906.

Local station - Millennium FM on 106.8 transmitted only silence in the early hours of the morning ... and no-one was manning the phones.

June 7, 2001

Propagation - Couple of openings today at the bottom of the band.

07.53  88.0  I  Kiss Kiss Network                                  5A34   ss     brief MH
                                                                          tw  k_
08.37  88.0  I  One O One Network (FR)                             5215          brief MH
08.46  88.0  I  Rock FM (GE)                                       5E00 _ROCKFM_ fair  MH
09.16  88.0  I  Kiss Kiss Network                                  5A34          brief MH
09.40  88.0  I  One O One Network (FR)                             5215 CENTOUNO fair  MH

13.15  88.4  E  Cad Cien, Santiago (Gal) pop/rock mx, adv's        E2CE CAD-CIEN fair  MH
13.20  94.5  E  RNE 3, Monte Xalo (Gal)  YL                             RNE_3___ good  MH

June 6, 2001

Propagation - No Sporadic E on FM noted here today.

June 5, 2001

Propagation - No Sporadic E on FM noted here today, but Spain/Portugal noted 1915-1945 across the whole band and strong by John in the North Midlands.

June 4, 2001

RSL - Jewel FM began their RSL on 87.9 MHz today broadcasting from Maidenhead. They're providing coverage of the Maidenhead Carnival. The Jewel FM website has some more information.

Propagation - No E's noted here today.

11.08  87.9  G  Jewel FM, Maidenhead     pop music                 C097 JEWEL_FM fair  MH

June 3, 2001

Propagation - No Sporadic E on FM noted here today.

June 2, 2001

Propagation - No Sporadic E on FM noted here today.

June 1, 2001

Propagation - No Sporadic E on FM noted here today.

Local station - Invicta FM fixed their RDS coder so they're now back to normal.

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