DX Radio DX News - September 2002

This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in September 2002.

Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.

September 30, 2002

Propagation - RSL station in NW London

23.50  87.9  G  Life FM, Stonebridge Pk  blank carrier overnight   C043 LIFE_FM_ fair  MH

September 13, 2002

Propagation - Good tropo to Northern Germany and especially Denmark late this evening.

22.40 102.1 DNK DR P2, Rangstrup         Slow pop                  9204 DR_P2___ fair  MH
                AF: 102.1 : 101.6  102.3  100.9  100.5
                            101.3  102.5  102.7  100.3
22.42 100.5 DNK DR P2, Sdr Højrup, Fyn   Slow pop                  9204 DR_P2___ fair  MH
22.44  90.9  D  NDR1, Hannover           Financial News                          weak  MH
22.45  91.1  D  NDR1, Steinkimmen        Financial News                          weak  MH
22.46  91.7 DNK DR P3, Arhus             Trance music                   DR_P3___ fair  MH
22.48  97.2 DNK DR P3, Rangstrup         Trance music                   DR_P3___ fair  MH
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