This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in February 2008.
Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.
Friday 15 February 2008
MW - Vatican Radio on 1530 kHz noted much earlier than their normally scheduled 0330 start with Spanish at 0100, then French at 0230. Not shown on their website schedule. As I was recording that channel overnight, trying to hear Celtic Music Radio, it didn't help.
01.00 1530 CVA Vatican R Int sig into Spanish prgm fair MH 21.00 1449 G BBC R4, Redmoss Radio 4 News fair MH 22.01 1386 G Carillon R ID voiced over Man of Action weak MH 22.20 6265 LTU The Mighty KBC Wolfman Jack show, adverts, IDs good MH The Mighty KBC clip 23.00 6300 ALG R Nacional RASD IDs in Arabic and Spanish fair MH RASD ID
Thursday 14 February 2008
MW - R Lleida noted with local ID at 0004 (EMWG lists local px 0000-0001)
00.04 1287 E R Lleida adverts, promo, YL ID good MH "Radio Lleida 1287 onda media" Radio Lleida ID 10.00 1575 G Stoke Mandeville Hosp' R Morning Call, idents, What's On Guide weak MH Stoke Mandeville audio clips (4 mins) 19.40 1431 D Voice of Russia GG px, .59 anthem, .00 "Golos Rossii" fair MH 21.00 1386 LTU China R Int'l News and Reports. abruptly off at 2130, but back by 2145 fair MH
Wednesday 13 February 2008
MW - 1386 kHz was only populated by UK LPAMs in the early hours, with Carillon very weak most of the time, and Anker Radio popping up at 0103 with a weather forecast and ID.
00.15 1386 G Carillon Radio back to back music with jingles/IDs weak MH compilation of four Carillon jingles/IDs 01.03 1386 G Anker R, Nuneaton Anker Radio Weather Forecast, wx weak MH "Broadcasting to the George Eliot Hospital, this is Anker Radio" Anker Radio ID
Tuesday 12 February 2008
MW - Missed recording a nice clear Carillon ID at 0849, much weaker one at 0900.
08.49 1386 G Carillon Radio ID, talk, ID, music weak MH Carillon ID at 0900 21.58 1026 E Cadena SER Jaen 2 mins of local opt-out, YL ID immediately before top of the hour. good MH
Monday 11 February 2008
MW - Even the 49mb almost dipped out around 0130. Good to hear some more LPAM in the morning, and very surprised to hear Carillon all the way from Loughborough.
01.20 6005 CHN China R Int'l News, music, talk, weather weak MH 01.30 6020 CHN China R Int'l Feature programme good MH 01.35 6085 RUS R Rossii many IDs fair MH 01.56 6120 IRN VOIRI News abt US Primaries //7160 fair MH 02.00 6200 CZE R Prague News, Czech tennis, weather, Mailbox good MH 02.05 6973 ISR Galei Zahal YL Presenter, EG and Heb songs good MH 09.48 1278 G Insanity, Egham Breakfast show, news at 10.01 fair MH Insanity Radio LONG clip 10.12 1386 G Blast 1386, Reading talk about Suffragettes, jingle, pop weak MH 10.39 1386 G Carillon R presenter giving address, phone no weak MH Carillon Radio
Sunday 10 February 2008
MW - Good signals early on, but nothing apparently very special.
00.00 1386 IRL Energy Power AM, Dublin pop, ID at 00.01 good MH "Music from the 1960s to today, this is Energy Power AM" Energy Power AM 00.22 870 USA WWL New Orleans LA adverts weak MH 00.25 600 CAN CBNA St Anthony NL CBC talk about music composition fair MH 00.55 1030 USA WBZ Boston MA promo "Voice of the Bruins" fair MH 01.00 1320 CAN CKEC New Glasgow NS ice hockey comm "94.1 East Coast FM" fair MH 01.08 640 CAN CBN St Johns NL "Chapel of Love" oldie //600 fair MH 02.03 580 CAN CFRA Ottawa ON sport nx, "CFRA NewsTime 9.05", promos fair MH 02.10 1080 USA WTIC Hartford CT talk over/under Euro's fair MH 02.15 1700 USA KVNS Brownsville TX Silverado's basketball 1st half weak MH 21.10 1386 LTU China R Int'l (Sitkunai) News abt space shuttle, world weather fair MH 21.20 1170 G Swansea Sound adverts, ID, male voice choir good MH 22.00 1170 G Magic 1170 Oldies, ID, News fair MH 22.04 1107 G Moray Firth Radio Arthur's theme, ID, foggy in Inverness good MH 22.07 1070 CAN CBA Moncton NB CBC weak MH
Saturday 9 February 2008
MW - Good signals from the East Coast stations, though not in the x-band. The only x-bander audible was KVNS way down in SE Texas. Toronto stations were notably good.
00.02 1520 USA WWKB Buffalo NY adverts, news fair MH 00.03 1510 USA WWZN Boston MA adverts, RadioShack, USPS, jingle Ice Hockey comm (Terriers) good MH 00.06 1500 USA WWWT Washington DC Ice Hockey (Hurricanes) fair MH 00.07 1440 USA W--- unid talk poor MH 00.09 1140 CAN CBI Sydney NS CBC talk fair MH 00.10 1130 USA WBBR New York NY talk poor MH 00.12 1540 CAN CHIN Toronto ON YL in Chinese poor MH 00.20 1390 USA WEGP Presque Isle ME advs, snowmobile festival?, talk fair MH 00.25 1050 CAN CHUM Toronto ON pop oldies qrm MH 00.26 1050 USA WEPN New York NY sport qrm MH 00.27 920 CAN CJCH Halifax NS pop good MH 00.59 1390 USA WEGP Presque Isle ME promo fair MH 01.00 1540 CAN CHIN Toronto ON English ID (twice), CRI in English good MH "Broadcasting to Toronto on AM 15-40 simulcasting on 91.9 FM and worldwide on, this is the voice of multi-cultural radio, this is CHIN Radio." CHIN Radio 01.59 1700 USA KVNS Brownsville TX oldies, legal ID (weak but clear) weak MH "We are oldies radio 17 hundred KVNS Brownsville in the Rio Grande Valley." KVNS legal ID 02.52 1050 CAN CFRB Toronto ON Ryan Doyle in for Jim Richards fair MH "You're listening to the Jim Richards show on NewsTalk 10-10 CFRB. Jim Richards is off tonight - filling in is Ryan Doyle." CFRB audio clip 02.55 800 CAN VOWR Mount Pearl NL light music fair MH 03.31 710 CAN CKVO Clarenville NL "VOCM First with news" //620 590 fair MH 03.35 740 CAN CHWO Toronto ON The wonder of you fair MH 03.42 710 USA WOR New York NY adverts, "WOR" fair MH 03.56 740 CAN CHWO Toronto ON oldies, ID at 04.02, oldies (splatter)fair MH "Rock and roll, rhythm and blues, doo-wop and rockabilly, from Elvis and Little Richard to Sam Cooke, Jerry Lee Lewis, the Shirelles, and Ricky Nelson, this is Prime Time Bandstand every Friday night from Toronto's AM 7-40. CHWO ID/promo
Tuesday 5 February 2008
SW - Looked through the 49mb for off-channel stations. Found an unstable signal from Iran which spent most of the time on 6066.6 but jumped around every so often (jump not drift).
01.25 6066.6 IRN VOIRI Sirjan Arabic service, internet addr and ID good MH IRIB Arabic Service
Saturday 2 February 2008
MW - Conditions not so good last night, but still open to North America.
00.00 1700 USA WJCC Miami Springs FL "This is WJCC 17 hundred AM" weak MH 01.00 1660 USA WWRU Jersey City NJ ID after time pip "16-60 AM WRRU Jersey City New York City" fair MH 02.00 1660 USA WRRU Jersey City NJ "This is multicultural radio broadcasting WWRU Jersey City New York City 16-60 AM WWRU" fair MH 06.05 610 CUB CM-- R Rebelde music, songs //5025 kHz fair MH 06.30 590 CAN VOCM St Johns NL ID "You're listening to 5-90 VOCM St Johns a station of Steele Communications a division of NewCap Radio Inc VOCM Depend on it" fair MH
Friday 1 February 2008
MW - Again good MW conditions tonight, less Florida though on the X-band.
00.00 1660 USA WWRU Jersey City NJ This is multi-cultural .. radio on 16-60 WWRU Jersey City ... AM WRRU fair MH 00.55 1620 UVI WDHP Frederikstad music, WDHP ID at 01.02 weak MH 02.00 1690 USA WPTX Lexington Park MD "You're listening to News Talk 16-90 AM WPTX Lexington Park" weak MH WPTX audio clip 02.12 1650 CAN CJRS Montreal QC Promo for their Kol Israel nxcasts on Radio Shalom 16-50 AM fair MH R Shalom audio clip (short) R Shalom audio clip (long) 02.15 1650 USA ?WHKT Portsmouth VA many espn radio references weak MH 02.47 1700 USA WEUP Hunsville AL Gospel music, "WEUP" drop in ID fair MH 03.00 1660 USA WFNA Charlotte NC espn NBA comm, local ID at 03.02 weak MH 03.15 1520 USA WWKB Buffalo NY OM ID fair MH 03.59 1640 USA WTNI Biloxi MS lots of espn radio promos. ID "The Gulf Coast's News, Talk and Sports leader TalkRadio 16-40 WTNI Biloxi, Gulfport ABC News, another ID at 04.03 fair MH WTNI audio clips
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