DX Radio DX News - 2000

This is a compilation of all the logs and news items that have appeared on this site in 2000.

Some external links may no longer be valid though they did work at the time of writing.

December 26, 2000

Propagation -

13.27  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH

December 25, 2000

Propagation - C201 is normally BBC R1, but not on 87.7 MHz. Otherwise very little action the past few days.

17.59  87.7  ?  who else uses PI:C201 ?                            C201          brief MH
22.24  87.7  ?  who else uses PI:C201 ?                            C201          brief MH

December 21, 2000

Propagation -

06.44  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH

December 19, 2000

Propagation - Brief burst from Hungary for a change.

17.12  87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor                                     B206          brief MH

December 18, 2000

News - Flava FM changed their PI code again on 87.6 MHz ... now 1424.

22.06  87.6  G  Flava FM, East London (pirate)                     1424 FLAVA_FM fair  MH

December 17, 2000

Propagation -

20.29  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH

Propagation - Niger are being heard on 45.65 MHz from their Zinder transmitter (nominal 91.3 MHz). Heard by Juergen Lohuis in Germany including a local ID at 1400 UTC in French: Ici la Voix du Sahel, Station Regionale de Zinder.

December 16, 2000

News - FLR have changed their RDS to FUSION__ following their sale to Fusion Radio Group.

03.07 107.3  G  Fusion, SE London                                  C594 FUSION__ fair  MH
                RT: 'THE SOUL OF SOUTH LONDON                                        '

December 15, 2000

Propagation -

12.53  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPULS_ brief MH
18.43  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPULS_ brief MH

December 14, 2000

Propagation -

09.33  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH

December 13, 2000

Propagation - BIG ping from Impuls at 09.26 this morning. Got almost all the RadioText too.

19.26  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPULS  good  MH
                AF: 96.6 : 102.9 102.0 91.4 92.1 106.0 100.3 87.6 89.0 100.9
09.40  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPULS  brief MH

December 12, 2000

Propagation - Just Czech Rep today. Have noticed that Italy is not at all common this autumn.

11.21  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPULS_ brief MH
22.24  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203   MP  S_ brief MH

December 11, 2000

Propagation - Thought I'd swap to 87.6 for a change.

00.44  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
18.14  87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor                                     B206 _SLAGER_ fair  MH
18.55  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203   MPUL   brief MH

December 10, 2000

Propagation - Still many pings.

01.51  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
02.18  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
03.30  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
18.10  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH

Local radio - FLR 107.3 now IDs as "107.3 Fusion Radio", but its RDS hasn't yet changed to reflect the new identity.

Pirate - Itch FM heard on 105.15 with RDS _ITCH_FM and PI:2132.

December 9, 2000

Propagation - Nothing yesterday, but lots today.

08.13  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
11.33  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
15.43  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
17.03  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
23.56  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202 _CULTURE brief MH

December 8, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted.

December 7, 2000

Propagation - Long ping from Fun Radio in the late afternoon.

06.46  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
16.49  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNRADIO fair  MH

Pirate - Rinse FM back on air after a long absence, testing on 87.7 MHz in the evening.

December 6, 2000

Propagation - All Culture today.

02.11  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
07.36  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
09.56  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH

December 5, 2000

Propagation - Again fairly big pings overnight.

00.09  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202   UL  RE brief MH
01.26  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202 _CULTURE brief MH
06.32  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202 _CULTURE brief MH

December 4, 2000

Propagation - Lots of pings today, some quite sustained.

07.12  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNRADIO brief MH
11.13  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
12.17  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202 _CUL  RE brief MH
12.57  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202   ULTURE brief MH
17.33  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNRADIO brief MH

December 3, 2000

Propagation - A few RDS level pings.

02.33  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
21.29  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
22.22  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNRAD   brief MH

December 2, 2000

Propagation - Couple of very brief RDS level pings.

02.15  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNR     brief MH
11.16  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311   NRAD   brief MH
17.12  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNRAD   brief MH
22.34  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNRADIO brief MH

December 1, 2000

Propagation - A few RDS level pings.

04.45  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202  ULTU    brief MH
05.38  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH

November 29-30, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted.

November 28, 2000

Propagation - Couple of very brief RDS level pings.

06.27  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
09.27  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH

November 27, 2000

Pirates - New station in London with RDS, first pirate to use lowercase I think.

01.00  90.8  G  Lightnin FM                                        0000 Lightnin fair  MH

November 26, 2000

Propagation - Much fewer pings now.

04.07  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH

November 25, 2000

Propagation - One good ping from Hungary during the afternoon.

02.04  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _I       brief MH
16.27  87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor                                     B206 _SLAGER_ fair  MH

November 24, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted on 87.6 MHz all day.

November 23, 2000

Propagation - Pings becoming less frequent.

01.23  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
04.17  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
10.07  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
19.31  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH

November 22, 2000

Spurious - BBC R Gloucestershire appears to have fixed the spurious emission.

Propagation - About 2 meteors a minute giving bursts of audio. Good to get some RDS from the German station as well.

01.10  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
03.24  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
04.06  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
05.48  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
06.34  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
09.46  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
10.52  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
11.57  87.7  D  MDR-Kultur, Chemnitz                               D3C3          brief MH

November 21, 2000

Spurious - BBC R Gloucestershire is radiating a strong spurious emission on 1493.5 kHz. It's coming from the Berkeley Heath transmitter (500 Watts nominal on 1413 kHz). This is propagating very well, and has already been logged in Denmark, Holland and at Sheigra. Engineers at the station know about the problem and Crown Castle are aware and working to rectify it. The 1493.5 kHz emission is proving easier to hear than their allocated channel of 1413 kHz for many people outside the local area.

Propagation - Still quite a few meteors around overnight, but none during the day today.

00.34  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
02.21  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
04.07  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
06.20  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
07.36  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH

November 20, 2000

Propagation - Less pings overall, but they were bigger.

06.31  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNRADIO fair  MH
08.56  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
10.46  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
                AF: 87.7: 88.6  88.7  92.4  92.5  95.2  95.4  98.0
                          98.7  99.4 102.7  89.0  90.7  94.5  95.0
23.39  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH

November 19, 2000

Propagation - Only RDS-ing ones today have been from Slovakia. I have been running the RDS decoder 24 hours a day, not just from 0600 !!

05.16  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
06.45  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
14.05  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
16.15  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
17.39  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311 FUNRADIO brief MH

November 18, 2000

Propagation - Many meteor pings overnight, and right through the day.

00.27  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
06.18  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
06.37  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
06.53  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202 _CULTURE brief MH
07.14  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
07.37  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
07.50  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
14.40  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
15.20  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
18.36  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
19.11  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
19.43  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH

November 16-17, 2000

Propagation - Many meteor pings heard, but none up to RDS levels. Nearly all on 87.7 were French.

November 15, 2000

Propagation - Some meteor pings this evening.

19.56  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
20.21  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH

November 14, 2000

Propagation - Some meteor pings this evening. Now Khalsa FM has ended its RSL, I can monitor 87.6 and 87.7 again.

17.45  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPUL   brief MH

November 13, 2000

RSL - Avenues FM began its 14 day RSL today on 87.9 MHz from West London. Studio phone: 020 8964 1241 (from James Vertigan)

November 10, 2000

26 MHz - Heard the DeutscheTelekom test transmission from Jülich this afternoon on 25740 kHz. Thought it was scheduled for 1500-1600, but evidently happened 1400-1500 UTC. Happened to tune in "early" and heard their fair signal with clean audio until 1500 s/off. DeutscheTelekom's latest transmission plan can be downloaded in PDF format.

WFLA in Florida were also audible in narrowband FM on 25870 kHz with their studio to remote site link.
Glenn Hauser recommends this website for a listing of stations using feeders, remote links etc around 26 MHz.

There's also this FCC database search page, where you can find all kinds of licencees. including "remote pickups" ie cue sound feeders.

14.58 25740  D  DeutscheTelekom, Julich  tone and announcements                  fair  MH
15.15 25870 USA WFLA Tampa FL            newstalk                                fair  MH

November 3, 2000

RSLs - The Southall RSL Khalsa FM on 87.7 MHz has gained an RDS coder. PS: _KHALSA_ PI: "C095" RT: "Khalsa FM 24 Hours Gurbani Radio". The Slough RSL Radio Punjab on 107.4 MHz is also audible though a little weak.

Pirates - A new pirate "Flame FM" heard on 103.6 MHz late last night, and Dance-UK has shifted from 96.1 to 96.2 MHz.

October 12, 2000

Propagation - Brief meteor ping.

22.35  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ brief MH

October 5, 2000

Propagation - Surprising E's opening early this morning.

04.55  87.6  I  R Dimensione Suono                                 5264 *_RDS_*_ fair  MH
05.14  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
06.00  87.6  I  Radiosa, Matera                                    5446 RADIOSA_ good  MH
                _IL_TUO_  BRANO_SU  Blue_Box  SMS_0339  800.8020

September 24, 2000

Updates - Not much going on here this weekend. But John Rieger sent information about the DX-midAMerica website which caters for AM/FM/TV dxers in the mid-West USA. They've got quite an extensive series of pages with loggings, station formats and RDS data.

Also found this section on a French website listing French RDS & PI codes.

And updated Wave 102's website link.

September 2, 2000

Propagation - Bursts of E's this evening to Corsica and Italy.

18.44  88.0  F  Fr Musique, Ajaccio                                F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
19.51  88.0  I  Kiss Kiss Network                                  5A34 KissKiss fair  MH
20.17  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH

VLF - There will be a short transmission from the Grimeton Radio/SAQ transmitter on 17.2 kHz to a conference in London today (September the 2nd 2000) at 18:00 UTC. [SM6NM/Lars]

September 1, 2000

Propagation - Quick burst of R Deejay today ... meteor or E's ?

09.45  88.0  I  R Deejay                                           5214   EEJA   brief MH

August 28, 2000

Propagation - Westside began their 28 day RSL from Southall today on 87.7 MHz.

12.00  87.7  G  Westside FM, Southall    music and chat            C096 WESTSIDE good  MH

August 27, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 26, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 25, 2000

Propagation - Morning tropo opening to Germany, and Belgium. Nothing in the heat of the day, then the band opened up again in the evening until 0100 when it began to rain and thunder.

Chris Eden in Cheshire also reports that he enjoyed good reception of London stations Heart, Jazz, Virgin and Kiss during the evening as well as Vibe FM from East Anglia. Conditions echoed by Tim Bucknall in Congleton.

00.42 106.0 BEL RTBF-1, Tournai          music                     6351 PREMIERE fair  MH
00.45 105.6  D  SWR-4, Donnersberg       German talk                             weak  MH
00.47 101.4 BEL VRT Studio Brussel, Genk music, news at 0100                     fair  MH
00.48 101.1 BEL RTBF-2, Wavre            pop music                 6352          fair  MH
00.49  96.5  F  Fr Inter, Rouen          pop music                 F201 __INTER_ good  MH
00.53  90.4 BEL VRT-3, Egem              YL opera type song        6303 RADIO_3_ good  MH
00.55 106.4  D  WDR-1, Stolberg          pop, YL DJ ID's                         fair  MH
01.06 105.6  G  Kick FM                  pop first time RDS here   C699 KICK_FM_ fair  MH

08.09  88.0  D  SR-1, Gottleborner Hohe  pop music                 D3B1 __SR_1_  fair  MH
09.14 107.1  D  SWR-4, Haartkopf         Music, YL talk            DCA4 SWR4_TR_ fair  MH
09.17 107.4  D  SWR-4, Koblenz           music, ID                               weak  MH
09.33  99.5 BEL RTBF-3, Liege            classical music           6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
09.34  99.5 BEL RTBF-3, Profondeville    classical music           6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
09.40 106.4  D  WDR-1, Stolberg          YL talk, music            D391 EINSLIVE good  MH
09.45 107.1  D  SWR-4, Koblenz           pop music                 DCA4 SWR4_TR_ good  MH
09.53  95.6 BEL Radio 21, Liege          pop music                 6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
09.55  96.1 BEL RTBF-1, Wavre            OM talk                   6351 PREMIERE good  MH
09.56  96.6 BEL RTBF-3, Anderlues        music                     6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
10.03 104.4  D  WDR-4, Barbelkreuz       news until 10.05          D394 _WDR_4__ fair  MH
10.04 105.6  D  SWR-4, Donnersberg       news, traffic, weather    DCA4          fair  MH
                                         "SWR4 R Kaiserslautern"

19.56  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg   talk                      F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
20.55  89.5 BEL VTR-3, St Pieters-Leeuw  music, YL talk (v pol)    6303 RADIO_3_ fair  MH
20.56  88.0 HOL NOS-2, Smilde            country/pop, ID (v pol)                 fair  MH
20.56  88.2 HOL NOS-2, Roermond          country/pop, ID (v pol)                 fair  MH
20.57  89.0 BEL pres R Donna, Schoten    pop  (v pol)                            QRM   MH
20.57  87.7  D  MDR Kultur, Chemnitz     classical mx, OM, YL ID                 fair  MH
20.57  87.9  D  MDR Kultur, Inselsberg   classical mx, OM, YL ID                 fair  MH
21.02  94.2 BEL VRT-1, Schoten           YL "Radio Een", OM nx                   fair  MH
21.03  95.7 BEL VRT-1, Egem              OM news                   6301 RADIO_1_ good  MH
21.05  99.1 BEL Radio 21, Anderlues      pop music                 6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
21.07 102.1 BEL Studio Brussel, Egem     slow pop, YL DJ           6304 STU_BRU_ good  MH
21.10 105.1  D  R FFH, Hoher Meissner    rock music                D368 **FFH*** good  MH
                RT: _+_gute_  _Fahrt__  wuenscht  **FFH***  ***RADIO
21.12 106.0  G  Century 106              talk                      C3AB CENTURY_ good  MH
21.18 106.4  D  WDR-1, Stolberg          YL talk  // 106.7 107.0                 weak  MH
21.18 106.7  D  WDR-1, Velbert           YL talk  // 106.4 107.0                 fair  MH
21.18 107.0  D  WDR-1, Olsberg           YL talk  // 106.4 106.7                 weak  MH
21.20 104.6 BEL Radio 21, Tournai        promos, jingle, pop       6354 RADIO_21 fair  MH
21.21 104.3  D  HR-4, Biedenkopf         melodies                  D364 __HR4___ good  MH
21.28  99.2  D  pres WDR-2, Velbert      music, talk                             fair  MH
21.29  99.0  D  pres HR-1, Hoher Meissner OM talk                                fair  MH
21.30  99.1 BEL Radio 21, Anderlues      pop music                 6354 RADIO_21 fair  MH
21.32  98.6 BEL VRT-2, Egem              pop/melodies              6302 RADIO_2_ fair  MH
21.33 100.1 BEL VRT-2, Egem              pop/melodies              6302 RADIO_2_ fair  MH
21.35  95.1  D  WDR-3, Velbert           modern classical          D393 _WDR_3__ good  MH
21.50  99.7 BEL Radio 21, (unknown)      // 99.1 MHz                             fair  MH
22.32  87.7 HOL NOS-2, Wieringermeer     OM talk // 88.0  (v pol)                fair  MH
22.38  90.8 BEL Radio 21, Profondeville  pop music                 6354 RADIO_21 fair  MH
23.16  92.3 BEL RTBF-2, Anderlues        pop music                 6352 WALLONIE good  MH
23.17  92.8 BEL RTBF-2, Profondeville    pop music // 92.3         6352          fair  MH
23.19 102.6 BEL RTBF-3, Tournai          classical music           6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
23.24  88.2  F  R Classique, Lille       classical music           F221 CLASSIQ_ fair  MH
23.59  89.9 BEL VRT-3, Genk              classical music // 90.4   6303          fair  MH

August 24, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 23, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 22, 2000

Propagation - One meteor ping from France Musiques on 88.0 MHz.

07.41  88.0  F  Fr Musiques                                        F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH

August 21, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 20, 2000

Propagation - Noticed that Point Blank FM has changed its RadioText.

08.15 108.0  G  Point Blank FM, Slough.                            0753 PT_BLANK good  MH
                RT:'This is West Londons FINEST! Tel:07715 440760 Text or Telephone '

August 19, 2000

Propagation - Radio Caroline was on-air via Orfordness on 1296 kHz during morning and afternoon today. Signal was fairly strong here, but greatly suffered from adjacent channel Premiere Radio on 1305 kHz, which made listening difficult and unpleasant.

10.00  1296  G  R Caroline via Orfordness  pop music and ann's                   QRM   MH

August 18, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 17, 2000

Propagation - Noticed that Contact FM on 87.9 has added more frequencies to its AF list.

12.00  87.9  F  Contact FM, Montreuil                              F931 CONTACT_ fair  MH
                AF: 87.9 : 106.5 91.2 90.7 98.6 94.2 100.8 104.4 88.0 93.8

August 15-16, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted of interest.

August 14, 2000

Propagation - Some meteor pings today.

21.30  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH
21.58  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH

August 13, 2000

Propagation - Received E-alerts from the Midlands, but very little happening down here.

09.59  88.0  E  RNE-5                                              E615          fair  MH
11.36  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC          fair  MH

August 12, 2000

Propagation - Early morning tropo to SW Germany and Luxembourg.

06.46  88.0  D  SR-1, Gottleborner Hohe  pop music                 D3B1 __SR_1__ fair  MH
                AF: 89.3 98.6 91.9 92.3
08.31  87.9  F  Contact FM, Le Touquet.  pop music                 F931 CONTACT_ good  MH
08.32  88.9 LUX RTL Marnach              pop music  AF 92.5        7210 RTL-LUX. good  MH
                RT:'RTL Radio Letzebuerg  Emetteur de Dudelange Frequence: 88,9 MHz '
                RT:'RTL Radio Letzebuerg  Sender Dudelange Frequenz: 88,9 MHz   '
08.32  89.4  F  Fr Musiques, Epinal     somewhere over the rainbow F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
08.33  89.8  F  Fr Musiques, Abbeville   // 89.4                   F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
08.33  90.2  F  Fr Musiques, Neufchatel  // 89.4 89.8              F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
08.34  88.7  F  Fr Musiques, Lille       // others                 F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
08.34  92.7  F  Fr Inter, Neufchatel     YL talk                   F201 __INTER_ good  MH
08.34  93.0  D  SWR-2, Haardtkopf        classical piano mx        D4A2 __SWR2__ good  MH
08.35  93.8  D  SWR-2, Waldenburg        // 93.0                   D4A2          fair  MH
08.35  93.9  D  SWR-2, Bornberg          // 93.0 93.8              D4A2          fair  MH
08.36  96.2  D  SWR-2, Achern            // 93.0 93.8 93.9         D4A2          fair  MH
08.36  94.0  F  Fr Culture, Rouen        OM talk                   F202 _CULTURE good  MH
08.36  94.7  F  RF Frequence Nord        pop music                 F905 RF_FNORD good  MH
08.37  95.5  D  SR-3, Gottleborner Hohe  OM talk                   D3B3 __SR_3__ good  MH
08.40  97.5  D  SWR-3, Bornberg          OM ID                                   fair  MH
08.42 100.7 LUX Honnert 100.7, Marnach   OM/YL talk                7212 RSC100,7 good  MH
                RT;'Honnert,7 de soziokulturelle Radio  '
                RT:'24 Stonnen op 24'
08.43 101.7  D  R Salu, Saarbrucken      pop music                 D3B8 __SALU__ good  MH
08.46 104.7  D  WDR-1, Nordhelle         OM ID                                   fair  MH
08.46 106.0 BEL RTBF-1, Tournai          talk                      6351 PREMIERE good  MH
08.46 107.1  D  SWR-4, Haardtkopf        German pop music          DCA4 SWR4_TR_ good  MH
08.54 105.6  D  SWR-4, Donnersberg       YL talk, OM ID, music     D7A4 SWR4_KL_ good  MH
08.58 107.2  D  SWR-3, Kettrichhof       adverts, pop music        D3A3 __SWR3__ good  MH
09.10 106.8  F  Fr Info, Metz or Thionville  // 105.2 106.5        F206 __INFO__ fair  MH
09.17  90.0  D  SWR-3, Haardtkopf        pop // 107.2              D3A3          fair  MH
10.00  97.7  D  DWR-1, Haardtkopf        OM ID                                   fair  MH
10.02 106.7  D  RPR-2, Kalmit            ID, music                               fair  MH
10.03 107.6  D  RPR-2, Bornberg          music // 106.7                          fair  MH

12.16  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203   MPUL   brief MH

August 11, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted today on 87.6 MHz.

August 10, 2000

Propagation - Some meteor pings today.

01.39  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
13.54  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH
14.08  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH

August 9, 2000

Propagation - Some meteor pings today.

12.18  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH
19.51  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
22.21  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH

August 8, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted today on 88.0 MHz.

August 7, 2000

Propagation - Spain came in briefly in the late afternoon.

16.46  88.0  E  RNE 5                                              E615          brief MH

August 6, 2000

Propagation - Just one brief burst to Poland, less than 3 minutes long.

17.09  87.9 POL R Maryja, Lodz                                     3232 R:MARYJA fair  MH

August 5, 2000

Propagation - Another morning opening towards Italy, and brief pings in the late afternoon.

09.44  88.0  F  Fr Musiques, Ajaccio                               F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
10.13  88.0  I  One O One Network (FR)                             5215          brief MH
10.30  88.0  I  Publi R Network, Taranto (TA).                     50C3 PUBLIRAD fair  MH
11.10  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
15.27  87.7  I  RAI-1                                              5201          fair  MH
18.57  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2203          brief MH

August 4, 2000

Propagation - Propagation began towards Tunisia, then moved to Spain and Portugal - but where is AFIFENSE ?

07.41  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ fair  MH
08.03  87.6  E  Onda Cero                                          E2EE ONDACERO good  MH
08.38  87.6 POR Seixal FM                                          8042 SEIXALFM good  MH
08.58  87.6  E  Cadena Cien                                        E2CE CAD-CIEN weak  MH
09.16  87.6  E  RNE-1                                              E211          fair  MH
09.55  87.6 POR R Afifense (who/where?)                            80AB AFIFENSE good  MH
12.10 101.5  E  Radiole                  OM talk, Sp music              RADIOLE_ good  MH
12.17  87.6  E  RNE 5                                              EB15 RNE_5___ fair  MH
12.51  87.7 POR RDP-1                    YL songs  AF: 97.9        8201 ANTENA_1 good  MH

August 3, 2000

Propagation - Again just a few meteor pings on 87.7 MHz today.

04.53  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
07.06  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH
10.32  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice                                  2311          brief MH

August 2, 2000

Propagation - Very brief reception of an un-id Italian on 91.5 MHz overnight (meteor ping).

00.49  91.5  I  un-id Italian                                      5083          brief MH

August 1, 2000

Propagation - Monitored 87.9 MHz today, but just logged many tropo fade ups of Contact FM.

July 31, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted today on 88.0 MHz.

July 30, 2000

Propagation - Good opening to Italy in the late afternoon.

16.01  88.0  I  Radio 105                until 1640                5211 .RADIO_. fair  MH
16.43  88.0  I  KissKiss Network                                   5A34          good  MH
16.45  88.0  I  Publi R Network, Taranto (TA).                     50C3 PUBLIRAD fair  MH
17.29  88.0  I  Radio Radicale                                     5210 RADIO___ good  MH
17.52  88.0  I  R Deejay                                           5214 _DEEJAY_ good  MH
18.05  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH

July 29, 2000

Propagation - Many Tunisian stations today, but I still don't understand their networks, one Spanish station, then the propagation went back SE to Italy.

00.05  88.0  I  R Dimensione Suono (pres)                          5264          brief MH
06.55  88.0  I  R Deejay                                           5214 _D       brief MH
09.22  88.0  I  R Rama (NU)              listed 88.05 in EFMH'97   56A6 R._RAMA_ good  MH
09.42  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             Arabic music              7202 INTER___ good  MH
09.42  88.6 TUN Rd Jeune                 music                     7201 Rd-Jeune good  MH
09.44  90.1  I  RAI-1                    OM/YL talk   AF: 90.7     5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
09.45  93.9 TUN ERTT National prgm       OM/YL, Arabic music       0000 -------- good  MH
09.46  99.5 TUN ERTT Inter prgm          pop music, not // 87.6    7202 INTER___ good  MH
09.47  98.2 TUN ERTT National prgm       music but not // 93.9     7201 NATIONAL good  MH
09.48  99.0  ?  pres Tunisia but QRM'd   Arabic music                            fair  MH
10.09  99.2 TUN ERTT Inter prgm          YL song in French         7202 INTER___ good  MH
10.12  89.4  E  COPE Cartagena           OM/YL talk                E2CA __COPE__ good  MH
                AF: 89.4 : 100.6                                        CARTAGEN
10.13  89.6 TUN ERTT National prgm       OM/YL talk                7201 NATIONAL good  MH
10.14  91.8 TUN RTCI prgm                YL intv man on phone      7202 RTCI____ good  MH
10.15  92.7 TUN RTCI prgm                // 91.8                   7202 RTCI____ good  MH
10.16  95.0 TUN Rd Jeune                 OM talk (note PS name)    7201 Rd-Jeu__ good  MH
10.19  99.2 TUN ERTT Inter prgm          OM song in Arabic         7202 INTER___ good  MH
11.28  88.0  I  KissKiss Network         pop music                 5A34 KissKiss good  MH
11.56  88.0  I  Rete Selene              pop                       5A49 RETE     fair  MH
12.16  88.0  I  Publi R Network, Taranto (TA).                     50C3       AD fair  MH
12.50  88.0  I  Studio 24, Ancona        pop music    AF: 90.8     9F65 STUDIO24 good  MH
13.38  88.3  I  RAI-1 (AN)               discussion                5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
13.39  87.6  I  Italia R                 pop, adverts              5233 ITALIA_R good  MH
                AF: 87.6 : 93.7 97.8

July 28, 2000

Propagation - Even less today, just one brief meteor ping.

05.45  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH

July 27, 2000

Propagation - Not very much today, just one brief meteor ping.

17.02  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPULS_ brief MH

July 26, 2000

Propagation - Tunisia came in briefly a couple of times around lunchtime.

11.22  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ fair  MH
12.16  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ fair  MH

July 25, 2000

Propagation - Good strength propagation today, but the band was never very full. ie there only seemed ever to be one or two signals at any one time. Even the opening to Greece was only a few channels, not the usual QRM mess.

00.09  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             OM song                   7202          good  MH
09.09  87.6 POL PR Krakow                English pop               3703 PRKRAKOW good  MH
                PS: PRKRAKOW  _Rabka__  __11:11_  00:07:25
                RT: 'Radio Krakow pozdrawia swoich sluchaczy                         '
                AF: 101.6 100.0
09.15  88.4 POL R Maryja, Bielsko        music and OM talk         3232 R/MARYJA good  MH
                PS: R/MARYJA  BIELSKO_  88,4_MHZ
                RT: 'KATOLICKI GLOS  W TWOIM DOMU    '
                AF: 87.8 : 94.3   94.7 100.6 100.7 102.5 103.7 104.6
                           107.2  90.6  91.8  87.9  88.9  97.7 104.0
09.28  87.8 CZE Cerna Hora               music                     2080 CER.HORA good  MH
                AF: 105.3 : 87.8 92.6
09.41  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Kosice        pop music                 2311 FUNRADIO good  MH
                RT: 'Zdravime gramotnu cast obyvatelstva, ktora cita tento text.     '
                AF: 87.7 : 94.3 99.2 102.9 104.0
09.50  91.5 POL PR-2 (pres)   // 88.0 no RDS   classical music                   good  MH
09.52  89.9 CZE CR-2                     talk                      232E __CR_2__ good  MH
                AF: 89.9 : 90.3 91.3 92.6 101.7 101.9 103.6 103.7 104.7 106.9
                RT: 'CRo 2 - PRAHA - aktu     informace kazdou celou hodinu          '
                RT: 'CRo 2 - PRAHA - pohoda domova   Cro 2 - PRAHA - pohoda domova   '
                RT: 'CRo 2 - PRAHA - zabava a prijemna hudba po cely den             '
10.05 100.4 POL R Maryja                 OM talk                   3232 R.MARYJA fair  MH
10.30  88.2 POL RMF FM                   Culture Club record            -RMF_FM- good  MH

12.02  90.4  I  R Deejay (BR)            pop music                 5214 _DEEJAY_ fair  MH
12.04  91.6  I  Ciccio Riccio (BR)       pop music                 5A8D *CICCIO* good  MH
12.08  93.8  I  R Maria                  YL giving out phone no    51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
12.09  94.0  I  R Dimensione Suono (BA)  pop music                 5264 DIMSUONO good  MH
12.12  87.5  I  R Radicale (TA)          OM talk                   5210 RADIO_*_ good  MH
12.13  89.9  I  R Maria (BR)             YL talk                   51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
12.14  90.7  I  RAI-1 (LE)               OM talk                   5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
12.14  92.6  I  Mondo R (LE)             pop music                 50FF          good  MH
                PS: MONDORAD  PRESENTA  __CAPO__  _LEUCA_  _ROCK___
                    FESTIVAL  MONDORAD  25_Lug00  Ma_14:16
12.16  94.0 GRC R Gamma, Patra           "O Carolina" song         1320          good  MH
                PS: _RIPLEY_  *AELLO__  KATAI-__  GIDATR__  NTTALAA
                RT: 'RADI        94FM PATRA STATHMOS ST    NHME  SH  TEL.0              '
12.20  99.2 GRC un-id   no RDS           Greek songs                             fair  MH
12.21  89.6 GRC un-id   no RDS           Greek language pop music                fair  MH
12.23  94.3 GRC un-id   no RDS           YL "Star FM", Greek music               fair  MH
12.24 100.5 GRC un-id   no RDS           OM with adverts                         fair  MH
12.25 104.3 GRC un-id   no RDS           Greek music                             fair  MH

19.00  88.0  E  RNE 5                                              E615 RNE_5___ good  MH

July 24, 2000

Propagation - Much stronger openings today, interesting if RSR is from Switzerland.

02.14  88.0  I  R Maria                  YL talk                   51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
06.07  88.0  I  KissKiss Network                                   5A34          fair  MH
07.02  88.0  F  Fr Musiques                                        F203          brief MH
07.59  88.0  E  SER (pres Tarancon)                                E239          brief MH
08.23  88.0  I  un-id                                              5795          brief MH
08.26  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC          fair  MH
08.35  88.0  E  RNE 5                                              E615 RNE_5___ good  MH
09.37  88.0  I  R Birikina (TS)          pop music                 5D8E BIRIKINA good  MH
09.40  89.6 TUN ERTT National prgm       OM talk                   7201 NATIONAL good  MH
09.53  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             music and YL talk         7202 INTER___ good  MH
10.02  93.9 TUN ERTT National prgm       // 89.6                   0000 -------- good  MH
10.03  91.5  I  R Deejay                 pop                       5214 _DEEJAY_ good  MH
10.11  92.7  I  (pres) Futura Network    pop                       52FF          good  MH
                PS: 92.7_MHZ  24/07/00  ORE12:14  __TEL.__  35450945  __RADIO_
                RT: 'tiesseci Automazione Radio  nica, Viale Europa 15, 21100 Varese.'
                RT: '         - Tel 0    / 289164, 289177. Messaggio Test RadioText. '
10.21  92.7  I  R Norba                  pop music                 5353          good  MH
11.14  88.0  I  Studio 24, Ancona        pop                       9F65 STUDIO24 good  MH
11.56  88.0  ?  Greece ??                                          1008          brief MH
13.23  91.5  I  un-id Italian                                      5083          brief MH
14.31  91.5  I  R Evangelo                                         5038          good  MH
                PS: RADIO___  EVANGELO  5538699_  VIVENTE_  CRISTO__
15.00  91.5  F  Fr Inter                                           F201          brief MH
16.39  91.5 SUI RSR somewhere                                      43A1 RSR_     brief MH
23.49  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             OM song                   7202 INTER___ good  MH

July 23, 2000

Propagation - Again Spain and some Italy, but all brief.

09.05  88.0  E  RNE 5                                              E615          brief MH
12.58  88.0  I  R Capital                                          5219                MH
21.43  88.0  I  KissKiss Network                                   5A34                MH

July 22, 2000

Propagation - Monitored 88.0 MHz today as the clearest channel.

13.36  88.0  E  RNE 5                                              E615 RNE_5___ good  MH
                RT: 'Radio 5, Todo Noticias de Radio Nacional de Espana * RNE 5 *    '
19.17  88.0  E  RNE 5                                              E615 RNE_5___ fair  MH
20.16  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC          poor  MH
22.05  88.0  E  RNE 5                                              E615 RNE_5___ brief MH

July 21, 2000

Propagation - Brief opening to Tunisia.

11.17  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ fair  MH

July 19, 2000

RSL - Justice FM in Acton radiating blank carrier overnight Tuesday into Wednesday.

00.01  87.7  G  Justice FM, Acton (rsl) blank carrier   TP=1       C096 JUSTICE_ poor  MH

July 12, 2000

Propagation - Some E's this morning to Italy. Also later on listened to R Shumen in the car for about half an hour, nothing else seemed to be coming in.

11.56  91.5  I  RTL 102.5                                          5218 RTL102.5 fair  MH
12.20  87.6 BUL R Shumen                 rock music, 1230 adv's                  good  MH

July 11, 2000

Propagation - Another good E's day, but I had to work. But interesting number of stations heard and logged - Latvia is a new country for me.

06.03  91.5  I  R Elle                   xd-ing RTL                5057 R.ELLE__ brief MH
06.04  91.5  I  RTL 102.5                xd-ing Elle               5218 RTL102.5 good  MH
07.22  91.5  I  R Evangelo, Bari (NA)                              5038 5538699_ fair  MH
07.30  91.5  I  KK Italia (pres by PI code)                        531F          brief MH
07.44  91.5  I  un-id Italian                                      5083          brief MH
07.47  91.5  ?  un-id                                              139A _SE_MAAS fair  MH
07.57  91.5  I  R Evangelo               again dominant            5038 (multi)  good  MH
07.57  91.5  I  RAI-2 (pres)                                       5202          fair  MH
08.24  91.5  I  same un-id PI as at 07.44                          5083          brief MH
08.29  91.5  I  R Evangelo               again strong and dominant 5038 (multi)  good  MH
08.43  91.5  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
09.12  91.5  I  R Deejay                 also at 10.23             5214          fair  MH
10.35  87.7  F  Fr Culture               OM talk                   F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
10.39  91.5  ?  un-id France or ??                                 F001 LIBERTE_ good  MH
                AF: 91.5 : 92.5
10.40  87.7  D  RSA                      OM talk and music         1C11 __RSA___ good  MH
10.43  87.8  ?  un-id German or Austria  OM talk about Austria                   fair  MH
10.45  90.7  D  BR-1, Schwaben           talk and music            D911 BR_1_SCH good  MH
10.50  87.8  ?  un-id                    adverts ment Pristina                   fair  MH
10.55  87.9  D  R Koe (who?)             pop music                 DA19 KOE_87-9 good  MH
11.20  91.5  I  RTL 102.5                                          5218 RTL102.5 good  MH
                AF: 89.5 : 96.4 96.7
11.38  91.5  I  R Elle                                             5057 R.ELLE__ good  MH
13.08  91.5  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
                AF: 94.9 87.7 89.5
18.30  91.5 LVA LR-2, Riga               until 18.54               0000 LR-2____ good  MH

July 10, 2000

Propagation - Back home, but at work.

12.40  91.5  I  R Deejay                                           5214 _DEEJAY_ good  MH
13.32  91.5  I  R Maria                                            51CC          brief MH

July 9, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging 91.5 MHz while in Cornwall - first E's action this week since Monday.

03.19  91.5  G  BBC R3 ... interesting that it had variant PS      C203 _BBC.R3_ fair  MH
10.47  91.5  I  R Evangelo                                         5038 ANCORA__ fair  MH
11.33  91.5  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
11.36  91.5  ?  un-id (also see 1 July at 1655) best at 11.47      F32C          good  MH
                PS: BARIJERE  REKLAME_  663-951_  ___13:52
                    09/07/00  NEOVISNI  KALMAN__

July 8, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging 91.5 MHz while in Cornwall - tropo now over. Possible Poland meteor ping at 0316 PI:3233 indicating PR-3.

July 7, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging 91.5 MHz while in Cornwall - France Culture PI'd and PS'd several times again, in the morning and evening.

July 6, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging 91.5 MHz while in Cornwall - France Culture PI'd and PS'd several times today ... minor tropo?.

July 5, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging 91.5 MHz while in Cornwall - France Culture struggled in a couple of times.

July 4, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging 91.5 MHz while in Cornwall - France Culture struggled in a couple of times.

July 3, 2000

Propagation - Greece and Italy in the morning on 91.5 MHz and Italy in the afternoon.

06.50  91.5  F  Fr Culture               again at 0800             F202          brief MH
08.33  91.5 GRC un-id Greek              2 partial PS's            139A _P       fair  MH
                                         possibly Kastoria              KAST
10.21  91.5  I  R Elle                   pop music                 5057 R.ELLE__ fair  MH
10.24  91.5  I  RTL 102.5                pop music                 5218 RTL102.5 fair  MH
10.33  91.5  I  Network Italia           music                     5241          brief MH
10.40  91.5  I  R Deejay                 pop music                 5214          brief MH
16.18  91.5  I  R Evangelo                                         5038          good  MH
                PS: RADIO___  EVANGELO  TEL__080  5538699_  GESU'___
                    GUARISCE  E_SALVA_  ANCORA__  OGGI____  RADIGE__

July 2, 2000

Propagation - Appeared to be a quieter day. Monitored 91.5 MHz while I slept, but little activity.

11.31  91.5  ?  un-id could be Hungarian with this PI              B422          brief MH
14.53  91.5  I  RTL 102.5                                          5218 RTL102.5 fair  MH
15.41  91.5  I  R Evangelo, Bari (BA)                              5038 EVANGELO good  MH
                PS: RADIO___  EVANGELO  GUSAISCE  E_SALVA_
                    ANCORA__  OGGI__80  5538699_
18.10  91.5  F  Fr Culture                                         F202          brief MH

July 1, 2000

Propagation - Wow - another BIG day of long distance. I missed the early morning opening as I was at work. John says that Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece were all coming in. Caught the tail end of the opening at lunchtime with a few Italians. Then the band opened up again in the mid-late afternoon to most of Eastern Europe.

11.39  87.9  I  R Maria                  YL talk                   51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
11.40  87.5  I  R Dimensione Suono       pop, OM DJ                5264 DIMSUONO fair  MH
11.40  88.0  I  R Maria                  YL talk                   51CC R.MARIA  fair  MH
11.42  94.7  I  RAI-1                    OM talk                   5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
11.49 106.4  I  R Dimensione Suono       pop                       5264 DIMSUONO good  MH
11.51  89.4  I  New Radio Network        pop                       52FF NETWORK_ fair  MH

15.15  90.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
15.28  88.0  ?  un-id with pop  //88.2   no RDS                                  fair  MH
15.30  90.5 GRC un-id Greek              OM/YL adverts                           fair  MH
15.32  94.0 GRC un-id Greek              YL talk                                 fair  MH
15.33  93.6  I  un-id Italian            pop                       5D41 **0931** fair  MH
15.35  89.4  I  Futura Network           pop                       52FF _FUTURA_ good  MH
15.39  87.9  I  R Maria                  YL talk                   51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
15.40  90.4 GRC un-id Greek              Greek music                             fair  MH
15.42  92.7  I  R Norba                  YL talk                   5353 R-NORBA_ good  MH
15.42  92.7  I  R Stampa Sud             disco music               50C7          good  MH
                PS: R_STAMPA  _R.S.S._  PER_UNA_  GUIDA___
                    SICURA__  _LE_..._  CINTURE_
15.44  91.6  I  R Monte Carlo            pop                       5213 _RMC_FM_ good  MH
                RT: ' RMC ITALIA     VIA  TURATI,9   20121   MILANO  '
15.45  90.7  I  RAI-1                    OM talk                   5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
15.46  87.9  I  R Italia Network         OM ID, promo              5244 *ITALIA_ fair  MH
15.48  90.4  I  R Deejay                 adverts  AF: 99.8         5214          fair  MH
15.48  92.1  ?  un-id very brief         Roxy Music track          3333          fair  MH
15.54  89.7  I  un-id Italian            song                      5443          fair  MH
16.00  90.1  I  RAI-1                    OM ID, YL nx  NOTE PS     5201 RAI_MF_1 good  MH
16.01  93.7 GRC un-id Greek              Greek music                             fair  MH
16.02  94.5 GRC un-id Greek              Greek pop, OM                           good  MH
16.03  97.7 GRC R St Lehovo              pop                       1000 LEHOVO__ fair  MH
16.03  99.0 GRC R Ena, Thessaloniki      pop                       1201          good  MH
                PS: _RADIO__  __ENA___  __99FM__  _KATHE__  __MERA__
                    __MOY___  LEHLEI__  __MORIO_  __MERA__  __KAI___
                    __PERI__  SSOTERO_  *_*_*_*_  __THRIA_  MOY_SE__
                    _AGAPO__  __OSO___  _PANOS__  SOTHLOA_  _AY_SE__
                    *_ANOS*_  MOELAKI_  _TIPSI!!  SSPERI__
16.09 103.6 GRC un-id from Thessaloniki  YL songs, OM talk  no RDS               good  MH
16.30  90.5 MDN R Herz (MR-2)            pop, YL, OM        no RDS               good  MH
16.36  88.0 BIH R Tuzla                  YL with phone no's no RDS               good  MH
16.38  89.3  ?  un-id      pop with whispered "Radio Atlantis"                   brief MH
16.41  91.5  ?  un-id      YL phone no's, adverts, rock mx  no RDS               fair  MH
16.48  94.0 BUL BR-1 Horizont, Plovdiv   songs                     8201 HO       brief MH
16.55  91.5  ?  un-id      YL talk, music, news                    F32C          good  MH
                PS: 01/07/00  NEOVISNI  KALMAN__  RUSI_SVE  REKLAME_
16.58  91.5  ?  un-id      OM talk in ? lang, cross-fading above                 fair  MH
17.03  91.5  ?  un-id      song in ? lang                          2222          brief MH
17.05  90.7 BIH Big 1, Banja Luka        OM talk                   1111 BIG_1___ fair  MH
17.05  90.7  I  un-id Italian            pop                       5434          fair  MH
17.06  89.8  I  New Radio Network        pop                       52FF          good  MH
                PS: *N.R.N.*_  __NEW___  _RADIO__  NETWORK_
17.07  91.6  I  R Monte Carlo            pop                       5213 _RMC_FM_ good  MH
17.08  91.8 HRV R Brac                   pop music                 A003 **BRAC** good  MH
                RT: 'RADIO BRAC SUPETAR TEL 021631144'
                AF: 102.7
17.12  91.8  ?  Radio Var ??             OM talk                   6234 __RADIO_ fair  MH
                AF: 90.0 : 91.8 100.0                                   __VAR___
17.14  90.1  I  RAI-2                    Radioplay                 5202 RAI_MF2_ fair  MH
17.16  92.1  I  RAI-3                    OM talk                   5203 RAI_MF3_ fair  MH
17.19 102.9  I  R Maria                  choral music              51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
17.21  99.2  I  RAI-3                    OM talk                   5203 RAI_MF3_ fair  MH
17.23  94.6  I  RAI-1                    News about Cuban          5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
17.25  88.2  I  Radio 24                 OM talk                   5245 RADIO_24 good  MH
17.26  87.9  I  Latte Miele              Italian pop               5355 LATMIELE good  MH
17.28  94.1  I  RAI-1                    adverts                   5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
17.31 103.3  I  Radio 24                 YL talk                   5245 RADIO_24 fair  MH
17.31 103.7  I  Radio 24                 // 103.3                  5245 RADIO_24 fair  MH
17.33 105.7  I  R Capital                YL talk                   5219 CAPITAL_ fair  MH
17.34 107.2  I  R Maria                  OMs talking               51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
17.36 107.2  I  R Norba                  pop music                 5353 R-NORBA_ good  MH
17.38  96.2  I  R Puglia                 pop, jingle IDs           5A56 R<PUGLIA good  MH
                AF: 96.2 : 105.3 90.2 102.3 96.0
17.41 101.9  I  R Dimensione Roma        pop                       5E65          fair  MH
17.42 104.2  I  R Italia                 pop                       5220 R_ITALIA fair  MH
17.43 107.4  I  un-id                    pop                       5307 __SUBY__ good  MH
17.44 107.6  I  Tour R (NA)              adverts                   5446 __TOUR__ good  MH
17.49 107.2  I  R Globo (NA)             pop                       5400 __THE___ good  MH
                AF: 98.9 : 101.8 98.7                                   ORIGINAL
17.59 107.2  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
18.22 107.2  I  Network Italia           pop                       5241 NETWORK* fair  MH
18.30  88.1  I  RAI-GRPR                 YL talk                   5206 RAI-GRPR fair  MH
18.31  88.1  I  RAI-1                    adverts                   5201 RAI-1___ fair  MH
18.33  92.6  I  Studio 5 (AQ)            pop                       5961 STUDIO_5 good  MH
18.35  95.2  I  un-id Italian            Italian songs             5495   IT  IA fair  MH
18.37  95.6  I  un-id Italian            adverts                   55D5 _A       fair  MH
18.38  96.2  I  R Puglia                 pop, jingle IDs           5A56          good  MH
                PS: R<PUGLIA  01_Lug00  SA_20:38

June 30, 2000

RSL - DMS Radio, Windsor (rsl) noted on 87.9 with PI:79EB

11.30  87.9  G  DMS Radio, Windsor (rsl) pop and dedic's           79EB          poor  MH

Propagation - Brief burst to Italy, then propagation swung round to Spain. Mostly low signal strengths, and brief duration of reception.

04.41  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)   (meteor ping)             5201 RA       brief MH

10.58  87.6  I  R Dimensione Suono                                 5264 *_RDS_*_ good  MH
                RT: 'RDS L'UNICA CON IL 100X100 DI GRANDI SUCCESSI                   '
11.01  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH

11.58  88.6  E  RNE R Clasica, Aitana    YL classical song         E212 RNE-CLAS fair  MH
12.02  92.0  E  LP Radio, Valencia       pop                       E08A LP_RADIO fair  MH
                RT: '  LP R  IO 92.0 FM'                                92.0_FM_
12.06  88.3  E  R Sur Este               news                      E325 RSURESTE fair  MH
                PS: RSURESTE  CAD-COPE  88.30MHZ  -DIGITAL
                AF: 88.3 : 95.1
12.09  91.6  E  SER                      ID, YL talk               E239 __SER___ fair  MH
                AF: 91.6 : 93.5
12.11  92.1  E  RNE-5                    News                      E215 RNE_5___ fair  MH
                AF: 92.1 : 103.5 101.2 105.8
12.23  87.7  F  Europe 1                 OM/YL talk                F213 EUROPE_1 fair  MH
12.30  88.3  F  Fr Inter                 OM/YL                     F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
12.31  89.2  E  Cad-40 (where?)          YL talk                   E035 CUARENTA fair  MH
12.34  93.7  E  R Estel                  relaxing music            E243 R.ESTEL_ fair  MH
                AF: 93.7 : 104.4 106.6
12.40  96.0  E  Cadena 100               pop music                 E2CE CAD-CIEN fair  MH
13.03  91.5 ALG RTA                      YL talk in FR, AR music                 fair  MH
13.04  93.8 ALG ??                       AR music  no //'s                       brief MH
13.05  93.8  E  Radiole                  adverts, music            E238 RADIOLE_ fair  MH
                AF: 91.4 : 93.9
13.10  87.6  E  RNE-1                    OM talk                   E211 RNE_1___ good  MH
                AF: 87.6 : 95.4 102.0 106.1 100.9 94.5
13.18  95.5  E  Cadena 100, Burgos       pop, jingle ID            E2CE CAD-CIEN fair  MH
                AF: 88.5 : 93.3 95.5 98.9                               _BURGOS_

June 29, 2000

Propagation - Minor tropo to the SE enhancing Contact FM on 87.9 MHz, otherwise nothing special.

June 28, 2000

Propagation - Just one quick burst of Italy.

18.40  88.0  I  Radio 105                                          5211 ._105__. fair  MH

June 27, 2000

Propagation - Very early opening to Tunisia, breakfast time to Italy, then 2 separate openings to Spain & Portugal - lunchtime and evening.

02.26  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ good  MH

07.02  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
07.13  87.6  I  R Dimensione Suono                                 5264 *_RDS_*_ good  MH

12.36  90.0  E  RNE-5                    OM talk                   E515 RNE_5___ fair  MH
12.39  90.0  E  RNE Clasico              music                     E212 RNE-CLAS fair  MH
                AF: 97.5 93.7
12.41  96.0  ?  un-id Arabic             OM talk                   no RDS        brief MH
12.43  95.2  E  RNE-1                    OM talk                   E211 RNE_1___ good  MH
                RT: 'Radio 1 de Radio Nacional de Espana '
                AF: 91.2 103.5
12.44  94.3  E  Canal Sur                OM and music              E332 CanalSur fair  MH
                AF: 103.6 : 96.2 98.6 92.2 94.2
12.45  93.8  E  Radiole                  Mexican style songs/music E238 RADIOLE_ good  MH
                AF: 91.4 : 93.9
12.46  91.4  E  Radiole                  // to 93.8                E238 RADIOLE_ fair  MH
12.47  91.8 POR Radio La Linea           OM talk                   8001 RADIO___ good  MH
                RT: 'RADIO   LA LINEA91.8    '                          LA_LINEA
12.48  92.1  E  RNE-5                    OM talk                   E215 RNE_5___ fair  MH
12.49  97.5  E  RNE Clasico              classical music           E212 RNE-CLAS good  MH
12.50 101.4  E  Onda Cero                OM talk                   E2EE ONDACERO good  MH
                AF: 90.8 : 97.4 89.1
12.52 103.6  E  Canal Sur                OM/YL talk                E332 CanalSur good  MH
                AF: 103.6 : 94.3 94.1 105.1 104.9 91.7 100.6 106.2 94.0 96.2 98.6
12.53  87.9  E  SER                      YL, OM, music             E239 __SER___ fair  MH
12.53  87.8  E  SER                      // 87.9                   E239 __SER___ fair  MH
12.56  89.7  E  Cadena Cien              music                     E2CE          weak  MH
12.57  96.0  E  RNE-3                    music                     E213 RNE_3___ fair  MH
                AF: 96.0 : 97.5 100.1 103.7 94.3 94.9
13.23  88.3  E  R Sur Este               OM talk                   E325 CAD-COPE good  MH
                PS: CAD-COPE  RSURESTE  -DIGITAL
13.27  99.0  E  RNE-3                    music                     E213 RNE_3___ fair  MH
                RT: '"TROPICO UTOPICO" CON RODOLFO POVEDA.DE 22.00 A 24.00.          '
13.30  87.6  E  un-id time pips and "Radio Ducion" ?Illusion?      no RDS        fair  MH

19.39  88.4  E  Cadena Cien, Santiago    rock music                E2CE CAD-CIEN good  MH
                AF: 87.8 : 88.4 88.7 89.6 90.0 92.4                     SANTIAGO
19.42  93.8  E  Radiole                  Spanish style guitar mx   E238 RADIOLE_ good  MH
                AF: 91.4 : 93.9
19.49  95.2  E  RNE-1                    talk                      E211 RNE_1___ good  MH
                AF: 95.2 : 91.2 103.5
19.50  97.1  E  Cadena 40                adverts                   E035 CUARENTA good  MH
19.57  90.2 POR R Renascenca             songs, adverts            8221 ___RR___ fair  MH
20.00  87.6  E  Cadena Cien              pop                       E2CE          weak  MH
20.01  87.9 POR RDP-1, Lousa             News                      8201 ANTENA_1 good  MH
20.02  95.6  E  Cadena Dial, Rocio       OM talk                   E274 CAD-DIAL fair  MH
20.09 103.9  E  un-id Spain              Spanish pop   AF 92.8     E3F0 103,9MHz fair  MH
                                                                        _R  TA__
20.16 104.3 POR R Nostalgia              EG oldies, adverts, ID    8332 NSTALGIA good  MH
                RT: 'NOSTALGIA - REDE REGIONAL  SUL  '
                AF: 104.3 : 96.4 106.1 106.4 106.7 107.1 107.5
20.24 105.1  E  Cadena 40                OM talk                   E235 CUARENTA good  MH
20.27  87.5  E  un-id Spain              adverts, pop   no RDS                   fair  MH
20.28  90.4  E  Onda Cero                OM talk                   E2EE ONDACERO good  MH
                AF: 89.5 : 104.7 104.8

June 26, 2000

Propagation - Nothing today at all today on 88.0 MHz.

June 25, 2000

Propagation - Nothing today at all today on 88.0 MHz.

June 24, 2000

Propagation - Apparently good openings to the East from Belgium and Holland, but here in the UK not much doing.

16.42  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             music and talk            7202 INTER___ good  MH

June 23, 2000

Propagation - Very brief burst of something Italian on 87.9 around 1045 while in the car driving to work. Otherwise just a brief burst of Spain on 88.0 at home.

15.18  88.0  E  RNE-5                                              E615 RNE_5___       MH

June 22, 2000

Propagation - Nothing today at all today on 88.0 MHz.

June 21, 2000

Propagation - Nothing today at all today on 88.0 MHz.

June 20, 2000

Propagation - Another very hot day, mostly auto-logged, but I did change channel occasionally.

06.31  88.0  I  Radio 105                                          5211 .RADIO_.       MH
                AF: 95.2                                                ._105__.
07.35  88.0  I  R Capital                                          5219 CAPITAL_       MH
                AF: 104.5 88.0 107.4 92.7 104.8
09.45  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_       MH
10.03  88.0  F  Fr Musiques, Ajaccio     again at 10.23            F203 MUSIQUES       MH
11.07  88.0  E  RNE-5                    until 11.30               E615 RNE_5___       MH
17.56  88.0  D? un-id                                              D101   3-           MH
18.12  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             songs                     7202 INTER___ good  MH
18.17  87.5  I  R Radicale               OM talk                   5210 RADIO_*_ good  MH
18.19  88.2  I  RAI-1                    OM talk                   5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
                AF: 90.7 : 91.3 89.7 88.2 90.3 87.9 88.7
18.20  88.2 TUN ERTT Regional prgm       talk                      7403 REGIONAL fair  MH
                AF: 98.2 : 92.0 93.8

June 19, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging on 88.0 MHz while in New Orleans.

17.08  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_       MH

June 18, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging on 88.0 MHz while in New Orleans.

05.15  88.0  F  Fr Culture               likely tropo til 0840     F202 _CULTURE       MH

June 17, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging on 88.0 MHz while in New Orleans. Nothing today.

June 16, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging on 88.0 MHz while in New Orleans.

17.15  88.0  E  SER Tarancon                                       E239                MH

June 15, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging on 88.0 MHz while in New Orleans. Nothing today.

June 14, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging on 88.0 MHz while in New Orleans.

06.31  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_       MH
06.40  88.0  I  (pres Radio 105)                                   5211                MH
16.14  88.0  I  KissKiss Network, where? also PI'd at 1656, 1800   5A34                MH
18.12  88.0  I  R Rama (NU)              listed 88.05 in EFMH'97   56A6 R._RAMA_       MH
18.26  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_       MH

June 13, 2000

Propagation - Auto-logging on 88.0 MHz while in New Orleans.

14.33  88.0  E  RNE-5                                              E615 RNE_5___       MH
14.55  88.0  E  SER Tarancon             Best 1514-1530            E239 __SER___       MH
14.48  88.0  E  RNE-5                    Yes different PI to above E215 RNE_5___       MH
18.22  88.0 SVK R Forte, Nove Mesto nad Vahom                      5351 _FORTE__       MH
19.02  88.0 SVK R Forte, Nove Mesto nad Vahom                      5351 _FORTE__       MH
19.21  88.0 LBN R Nostalgie, Beirut      again at 1923 and 1924    93C9 NOSTLGIE       MH
19.37  88.0 SVN R Slo-1, Krim                                      63A1 _SLO_1__       MH
19.45  88.0  F  Fr Musiques, Ajaccio                               F203 MUSIQUES       MH
19.46  88.0  I  One O One Network (FR)                             5215                MH
21.24  88.0  I  RAI-1 (presumably RAI)                             5201                MH
22.16  88.0  E  RNE-5                                              E615 RNE_5___       MH
                RT: 'Radio 5, Todo Noticias de Radio Nacional de Espana * RNE 5 *    '

Propagation - Also received an email from Gordon in Penzance, Cornwall. Very nice "quiet" location! Gordon heard several Spanish stations on the car radio, but only managed to ID these two.

16.25  89.1  E  Onda Cero                                               ONDACERO       GP
16.25  87.7  E  RAC-1                                                   RAC_1___       GP

June 12, 2000

Un-id's - One other un-id station from yesterday's opening. Can you identify it? I've also uploaded a clip of Family Radio from 89.6 MHz. Both are linked from the audio page.

Propagation - Thought nothing was going to happen, but then some Polish stations came in.

14.32  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ fair  MH
14.59  87.6 POL PR Krakow                OM talk                   3703          good  MH
                PS: PRKRAKOW  _Rabka__  __16:59_  00:06:12
                RT: 'Radio Krakow pozdrawia swoich sluchaczy                         '
15.46  88.2 POL RMF FM                   adverts, promo, music     3F44          fair  MH
                PS: -RMF_FM-  __NEWS__  _17:46__
15.51  87.9 POL R Maryja, Lodz           OM talk, IDs, YL, song    3232          good  MH
                PS: R:MARYJA  __LODZ__  87,9_MHZ  R:MARYJA
                    TELEFON_  __0-56__  655-2355  655-2356
16.00  87.6 POL PR Krakow                news                      3703 PRKRAKOW fair  MH
16.02  97.9 POL Polskie Radio            YL with news "Polskie Radio" no RDS     good  MH
16.03  96.3 POL PR Opole                 OM with news              3963 PR_OPOLE good  MH
                RT: 'INTERWENCYJNY TELEFON RADIA OPOLE 4544433                       '
                RT: 'NASZE TELEFONY 4541541 I 4546546                                '
16.11 101.4 CZE R Contact                ELO pop music             20F1 CONTACT_ fair  MH
16.12 103.2 POL PR Opole                 talk  // 96.3             3963 PR_OPOLE good  MH
                AF: 103.2 : 96.3 101.2
16.13 103.6 POL R Plus, Tarnow           Jennifer Rush pop music   30FF          fair  MH
                PS: SWIECI__  ___18:11  12/06/00  __PLUS__  _103.6__
                    _TARNOW_  __PLUS__  _101.2__  __NOWY__  __SACZ__
                    __PLUS__  __88.3__  KRYNICA_  COIEIE__  __####__
                RT: 'RADIO   *PLUS*  TARNOW  103.6 FM BEMA 14 TEL-014-6275050********'

June 11, 2000

Un-id's - Two more un-id stations from today's opening. Can you identify them? Both are linked from the audio page.

Propagation - What can I say, another fine opening!

11.02 102.9 GRC Life R 102.9, Corfu      "Welcome to the future" and
                                         "Life Radio" as well as 
                                         local adv's               1000          fair  MH
11.08 101.0 GRC un-id                    Greek music                             fair  MH
11.09  88.2 HRV HRT Radio Dubrovnik      pop/rock                  644F R-DUBROV good  MH
                AF: 88.2 : 105.0 103.8 106.2 103.7 101.1 97.2
11.13  87.8 GRC un-id Greek              adverts                                 fair  MH
11.14  96.1 HRV HR-2                     adverts                   6342 HRT-HR_2 good  MH
11.15  95.1 HRV HR-1                     classical guitar          6341 HRT-HR_1 good  MH
11.16 102.0 HRV R Split                  YL with sport news, pop   644D R_SPLIT_ good  MH
11.21  87.8 HRV R Dalmatia               music                     DD76 DALMATIA good  MH
                RT: 'VAS RADIO *RADIO DALMACIJA*'
                AF: 87.8 : 106.9 107.3
11.26  88.9 HRV HR-1                     OM talk                   6341 HRT-HR_1 fair  MH
11.26  89.7 HRV HR-1                     OM talk                   6341 HRT-HR_1 good  MH
11.29 107.3 HRV Otvoreni R, Zadar        adverts, ID, pop          C001 OT       fair  MH
11.33  87.7 HRV HR-1                     Talk                      6341 HRT-HR_1 good  MH
11.34  88.1 BIH R Livno                  songs                     EFDA .R_LIVNO good  MH
                AF: 94.0 100.8
11.37 101.8 BIH R Velkaton, Drvar        rock music                AB05 VELKATON good  MH
                RT: 'VELKATON 101.7 MHZ 387 80 820 011'
11.41 101.1  ?  un-id                    OM taking phonecalls pop                fair  MH
11.47  92.1 HRV HR-1                     talk                      6341 HRT-HR_1 good  MH
11.48  90.7 BIH Big Radio                pop, YL DJ                1111 BIG_1___ good  MH
                RT: 'DOBRO DOSLI NA BIG RADIO'
11.50  88.0 BIH R Tuzla                  OM/YL talk ment Bosnia,
                                         adverts incl Tuzla                      fair  MH
12.08  88.2 ROM Europa FM                YL DJ, pop, IDs           E299 _EUROPA_ good  MH
18.39  87.7 FIN YLE                                                6201 YLENYK   brief MH

June 10, 2000

Propagation - Early start to Italy and Tunisia. Then nothing most of the day until the early evening.

04.13  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
05.53  87.7  I  R Venere (pres)                                    544A          good  MH
                PS: FAI_CIO_  DUILIO_A  SI_FA?__  _533656_  CHARTI__  AMO_____
                    TANTO___  ERRICO_A  FRANCA__  NON_MI__  BASTIMAI  MONICA_X
                    EUGENIO_  VEDI_DI_  CRESCERE  DORIANAX  ENNIO:6_  DI_ME___
                RT: 'AEV Technical Service Tel. ++39 51 950433 Email: service@aev.net'
05.58  87.7  I  R Radicale                                         5210 RADIO_*_ good  MH
07.10  87.7  I  R Dimensione Suono                                 5264 DIMSUONO fair  MH
07.30  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             until 0920                7202 INTER___ good  MH

17.15  89.6 TUR Family Radio, Istanbul  in English                               weak  MH
17.18  87.7  ?  un-id East Euro station  OM talk                                 weak  MH
17.22  89.3  ?  un-id                    pop music, German DJ                    weak  MH
17.24  89.9 AUT ORF-2                    OM with sport, pop, t.c.  AC02   AD     fair  MH
17.27  87.8 AUT ORF-1                    OM talk                                 fair  MH
17.30  89.6 TUR Family Radio, Istanbul   general info about website              weak  MH
17.36 100.4 HNG Slager R                 music        AF 103.0     B206   LAGE   fair  MH
17.40 103.1 HNG Bartok                   OM talk                   B202 _Bartok_ fair  MH

June 9, 2000

Propagation - Day started off quietly with just a morning opening to Tunisia. But from the middle of the afternoon for 6 hours the band was wide open. Predominantly Italy and Spain, but also Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco ... and yet the same area of Greece. The strange thing was that the band was open to everywhere at the same time, all you had to do was turn (or switch) aerials.

I've uploaded two RealAudio clips of the un-id's to try and find out what they are. Have a listen and write me with your opinions.

06.36  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ fair  MH
08.26  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ good  MH

14.23  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
14.36  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ good  MH
14.45  87.6  I  Network Italia                                     5241 NETWORK* good  MH
15.11  87.9  I  R Camaldoli, Naples      pop music, adverts        5045  multi   good  MH
15.12  88.5  I  RAI-1                    talk                      5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
15.13  88.6  I  R Camaldoli, Naples      // 87.9                   5045  multi   good  MH
15.14  89.6 TUN ERTT                     YL talk, music            7201 NATIONAL good  MH
                AF 89.6 : 93.0 96.6 89.1 95.0 96.5
15.14  94.1  I  RAI-1                    OM talk                   5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
15.15  94.7  I  RAI-1                    OM talk //                5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
                AF 94.7 : 91.1 95.3 103.9 88.5 89.5 89.1 88.1 89.1
15.16  95.1  I  RAI-1                    OM talk //                              fair  MH
15.16  95.6  I  R Maria                  OM talk  AF 105.8         51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
15.22 103.4  I  R Deejay                 pop (variant PS)          5214 .DEEJAY. good  MH
15.23 107.0  I  US Forces                AFN News, Viewpoint                     fair  MH
15.30 107.0  I  R Dimensione Suono       pop                       5264 *_RDS_*_ good  MH
15.32 107.0  I  R Maria                  talk                      51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
15.34 104.35 I  R 105                    adverts, cento cinque jx  5211          fair  MH
15.39  99.2 TUN ERTT                     rock mx not // 87.6       7202 INTER___ good  MH
15.40  92.7  ?  un-id arabic             songs        no RDS                     fair  MH
15.41  93.8  I  R Maria                  organ music               51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
15.42  93.9 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             YL song // 89.6 NATIOANL  0000 -------- good  MH
15.44  87.5  I  R Dimensione Suono       adverts                   5264 DIMSUONO good  MH
                AF 96.5 : 88.3 89.0
15.47  91.5  ?  un-id arabic    OM/YL in Arabic sounding French    no RDS        good  MH
15.47  92.0  E  un-id Spain              pop                       E08A   .0     brief MH
15.50  92.7  ?  un-id arabic             OM interview    no RDS                  good  MH
15.54  92.7  I  RAI-2                    songs                     5202 RAI_MF2_ fair  MH
                AF 92.7 : 91.5 96.9 93.3 91.7 95.5 94.5 94.4 91.0 93.5 93.6 97.5
16.05  87.7  ?  un-id East Euro          adverts, "Radio Contact"                fair  MH
16.08  87.9  F  Europe 1 (site ?)        YL with news              F213 EUROPE_1 good  MH
                AF 87.9 : 99.9 101.4 92.6 96.7 104.7
16.12  87.9  I  R Maria                  choral song               51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
16.13  89.6 TUN ERTT                     OM song in AR             7201 NATIONAL good  MH
16.20  87.9  I  Italia Network           pop music                 5244          fair  MH
16.25  98.1 GRC un-id Greek              adverts "bieras mithas"                 good  MH
16.29  97.5  I  un-id Italian            adverts  AF 107.6 98.8    52FF _236222_ fair  MH
                PS: _Radhe__  _236222_  _231716_
16.33  93.8 GRC R Ihorama, Kozani        pop music                 1064 PTOL/IDA fair  MH
16.34  93.8  I  R Maria                  YL song                   51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
16.39 104.3  I  R Italia                 "solo musica Italiana"    5220 R_ITALIA good  MH
16.40  97.5  I  un-id Italian            pop music                 5E39          fair  MH
16.42  96.5 TUN ERTT                     YL with pop-ish music     7202 INTER___ good  MH
16.44 100.2 GRC un-id Greek but see below ... probably same                      fair  MH
16.45  97.7 GRC R St Lehovo              slow music                1000 LEHOVO__ fair  MH
                AF 103.5 88.8
16.46  97.1 GRC R St Lehovo              // 97.7                   1000          fair  MH
16.50  99.0  E  RNE-3                    English interview   SE    E213 RNE_3___ good  MH
16.50  99.0  E  RNE-2                    OM talk             SW    E212          fair  MH
16.51  99.2 TUN ERTT                     English pop music         7202 INTER___ good  MH
16.57 100.2 GRC R Fonicas Stathmos Kozani  song, pips, ID   no RDS               good  MH
17.16 101.3  I  un-id Italian            pop                       5EA9          fair  MH
17.17 101.7  I  un-id Italian            dance/rap music           5A02          fair  MH
17.20 105.1  E  Canal Sur                OM talk                   E332 CanalSur good  MH
                RT: 'Canal Sur Radio.                                                '
17.24  97.1  E  Cadena 40                pop music                 E035 CUARENTA good  MH
17.24  97.8  E  un-id Spanish            pop music                 E275          fair  MH
17.25  98.3  E  Catalunya Info           talk                      E234 CATINFO_ good  MH
17.26  99.0  E  RNE-3                    House of the Rising Sun   E213 RNE-3___ good  MH
17.27  99.2  E  un-id but PS should say  pop                       E300          good  MH
                PS: __ONA__  CATALANA  _LLEIDA_  _99,2_FM
17.29  98.1  I  RAI-3                    OMs talk                  5203 RAI_MF3_ good  MH
17.30  97.7  E  un-id Spanish            pop music                 E2DD          fair  MH
17.56 104.2  I  R Margherita             pop                       5042 MARGHRTA good  MH
                AF 91.3 95.2 104.3
17.57 104.7  I  R Deejay                 pop                       5214          fair  MH
18.00  99.5 TUN ERTT                     music, OM talk            7202 INTER___ good  MH
18.02  92.9  I  Latte Miele              pop                       5355 LATMIELE fair  MH
                AF 102.4 96.3 98.5
18.03  94.7  I  un-id Italian            pop        AF 107.7       5A49 _SELENE* fair  MH
18.03  94.7  I  un-id Italian                                      502B          brief MH
18.21  94.7  I  RAI-1                                              5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
18.37  94.5  I  Silver R                 pop music                 5205          good  MH
                PS: SILVER_R  __SILVER  RADIO___  SONO_LE_  ORE_20__  SI.06.00
18.38  94.2  I  Radio M                  pop                       5158 _94.200_ fair  MH
18.40  88.6  I  R Radicale               talk                      5210 RADICALE good  MH
18.41  89.3  I  R Flash                  pop                       5389 R.FLASH+ good  MH
18.43 103.9  I  R Norba                  pop                       5353 R-NORBA_ good  MH
18.44 103.45 I  RAI IsoRadio             pop                       5207 ISORADIO good  MH
18.56 102.3  I  RTL 102.5                OMs talk                  5218          fair  MH
18.58 101.9  I  R Dimensione Suono, Rome pop, adverts, Rome IDs    5E65          good  MH
                PS: DIMSUONO  __ROMA__  *TOP_40*
19.18  99.8  I  Radio 105                pop                       5211 .RADIO_. good  MH
19.19  99.7  I  RAI-3                    talk                      5203 RAI_MF3_ good  MH
19.19  99.1  I  RAI-3                    // 99.7                   5203 RAI_MF3_ good  MH
19.21 107.8  I  R Radicale               talk (wiped out Thames R) 5210 RADIO_*_ good  MH
19.21 107.5  I  Tour Radio               pop music                 5446 __TOUR__ good  MH
19.21 107.0  I  more US Forces talk                                              fair  MH
19.22 106.7  I  R Italia                 adverts                   5466 R.ITALIA good  MH
19.26 106.0  I  R Dimensione Suono       talk, music               5264 DIMSUONO fair  MH
19.27 108.0  I  "Radio Sudenza la differenza"                                    fair  MH
19.28  98.35 I  Italia R                 adverts                   5233          fair  MH
19.28  99.25 I  un-id Italian            pop    AF 103.0           5475 LA       fair  MH
19.33  98.0  I  New Radio Network        pop    AF  89.8           52FF          good  MH
                *N.R.N*_  __NEW___  _RADIO__  NETWORK_
19.34  89.8  I  New Radio Network        pop                       52FF          good  MH
                *N.R.N*_  __NEW___  _RADIO__  NETWORK_
19.35 100.5  I  Radio CRC (NA)           pop    AF 92.1            5478          good  MH
                PS: _RADIO__  _C.R.C._  _081____
19.37 100.7  I  R Dimensione Suono       pop                       5264 DIMSUONO fair  MH
                AF: 93.7 96.8 88.3 89.6 96.1
19.39 107.1  I  un-id Italian            adverts  tel 0961                       fair  MH
19.41 107.0  I  R Dimensione Suono       pop, YL DJ with ID        5264 DIMSUONO fair  MH
20.01  91.8  I  R Maria                  OM talk                   51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
20.03  94.1  I  RAI-1                    songs  // 94.7            5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
20.20  88.0  I  Radio 105                "Radio Cento Cinque" pop                fair  MH
20.24  90.3  I  RAI-GRPR  (what's this?) classical music           5206 RAI_GRPR good  MH
                AF: 89.0 : 90.8 95.5 98.3
20.54  87.7 FIN YLE                                                6201 YL    SI brief MH
21.23  87.7 FIN YLE                                                6201          brief MH
23.22  87.7 FIN YLE                                                6201          brief MH

June 8, 2000

Propagation - Nothing apparent from the auto-logging.

June 7, 2000

Propagation - Some E's around this morning and lunchtime ... a few Tunisians, a few weak Italians.

05.01  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH
07.41  87.6 TUN ERTT Zarzis                                        7202 INTER___ fair  MH
08.40  93.8 TUN ERTT where?              OM song in AR             7201 NATIONAL fair  MH
09.01  93.9  ?  un-id Arabic             YL presenting prgm of     0000 -------- fair  MH
                                         slow ballads with guitar
10.45  87.8  I  R Kiss Kiss (NA)                                   5225       AA brief MH
11.45  93.8  I  un-id Italian                                      5495 ANITALO_       MH
12.10  93.8 TUN ERTT Zarzis                                        7201 NATIONAL fair  MH

June 6, 2000

Propagation - Not a lot noted today. The auto-logging caught Spain 1915-1945.

13.42  87.7  F  Fr Culture, Strasbourg                             F202          brief MH
19.15  87.9  E  RNE-2                                              E212 RNE-CLAS good  MH

June 5, 2000

Propagation - Some E's around this morning, but quite brief openings.

09.10  87.9  I  Italia Network           pop music                 5241 *ITALIA_ fair  MH
09.20  87.9  I  R Maria                  YL talk                   51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
09.34  87.5  I  Dimensione Suono         pop music                 5264 DIMSOUNO fair  MH
09.38  87.8  I  RAI-1                    OM talk                   5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
                AF 91.3 : 90.7 89.7
09.46  87.7  I  Dimensione Suono         pop music                 5264 DIMSOUNO good  MH
                AF 105.8 : 103.7 100.5 94.5
09.50  88.2  I  Latte Miele              pop music                 5355 LATMIELE fair  MH
09.53  88.2  I  RAI-1                    OM talk                   5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
                AF 90.7 : 88.2 90.3 91.3 89.7 87.9 88.7 87.7 90.1 89.1 91.5 95.5
09.56  88.2 TUN ERTT Regional prgm       YL talk and songs         7403 REGIONAL fair  MH
                AF 98.2 : 92.0 93.8
10.03  93.8 TUN RTCI                                               7202 __RTCI__ good  MH
                AF 92.0 : 93.4 99.5 93.8 101.8 98.2 95.4
11.21  87.8 TUN RTCI                                               7202 __RTCI__ fair  MH

Propagation - Meantime Steve up in Kendal was hearing these stations this morning.

09.45  87.7  F  Skyrock           xd-ing Italy, Spain and Arabic stns                  SW
10.46  87.7  E  RAC-1, Barcelona         in Catalan lang                               SW

June 2, 2000

Propagation - Great overnight tropo opening to SW Germany and LUXEMBOURG. Then evening E's to Spain.

00.10  99.1 BEL Radio 21                 pop                       6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
00.11  97.7  F  Fr Culture               talk                      F202 _CULTURE good  MH
00.12  97.1  F  Fr Musique               classical music           F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
00.12  96.6 BEL RTBF-3, Musique          classical music           6353 MUSIQUE3 fair  MH
00.13  98.3 BEL RTBF-3, Musique          // 96.6                   6353 MUSIQUS3 fair  MH
00.14  99.7  F  Fr Culture               talk                      F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
00.15  87.6 BEL RTBF-1, Leglise          pop                       6351 PREMIERE good  MH
00.16  87.9  F  Contact FM               pop, promo "Contact FM"   F931          weak  MH
00.17  88.0  D  un-id                    "Bayern drei" night prgm                fair  MH
00.18  88.7  F  Fr Musiques, Lille       classical music           F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
00.19  88.9  ?  un-id                    pop                                     weak  MH
00.20  89.6  F  Fr Culture               // many                   F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
00.21  89.7  F  Fr Musique               // many                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
00.22  90.2  F  Fr Musique               // many                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
00.23  90.3  F  Fr Musique               // many                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
00.25  94.5  F  Fr Culture               // many                   F202 _CULTURE good  MH
00.26  96.1 BEL RTBF-1                   pop                       6351 PREMIERE good  MH
00.30 105.5  F  Fr Info                  talk, music               F206 __INFO__ fair  MH
00.30 105.2  F  Fr Info                  // 105.5                  F206 __INFO__ fair  MH
00.31 106.0 BEL RTBF-1                   // others                 6351 PREMIERE good  MH
00.32 106.5  F  Fr Info                  // 105.2                  F206 __INFO__ fair  MH
00.38  88.4  F  Fr Culture               // many                   F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
00.40  88.0  D  SR-1                     music, OM DJ              D3B1 __SR_1__ good  MH
00.46 105.1  F  FIP, Paris               // France Info            F204 __F_I_P_ good  MH
00.52  91.5 BEL RTBF-2                   music                     6352 WALLONIE good  MH
00.53  92.5 LUX RTL Luxembourg           pop music                 7210 RTL-LUX. good  MH
                RT:'RTL Radio Letzebuerg Sender Hosingen Frequenc:92,5 MHz'
01.06 100.7 LUX RSC                      classical music           7212 RSC100,7 good  MH
                RT:'Honnert,7 de soziokulturelle Radio'
                RT:'24 Stonnen op 24'
01.14  88.9 LUX RTL                      // 92.5                                 fair  MH
01.21 101.4  F  RF Alsace                OM song                   F805 RF_ALSAC good  MH
01.25  96.8  F  Fr Inter                 talk                      F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
01.30 107.1  D  SW                       travel report, songs      DCA4 SW       good  MH
01.32 106.7  D  RPR-2                    songs                     D3A9 RPR-Zwei good  MH
                RT:' RPR Zwei - Das Schlagerradio - aus Ludwigshafen    *   *   '
                RT:'  Coderstandort   Kalmit    *     PI-Code D3A9    *    *    *   '
01.48 107.6  D  RPR-2                    // 106.7                                fair  MH
01.49 107.7 LUX DNR                      pop ballads               72A9     R_   QRM   MH
02.06 106.6  D  RPR-2                    // 106.7 107.6                          fair  MH
02.07 105.6  D  SWR-4                    pop music                 D7A4 SWR4_KL_ good  MH
                RT: 'Radio Kaiserslautern mit Regionalinfo fur die Pfalz '
                RT: '**Sudwestrundfunk SWR4 **  '
02.09 103.6  D  RPR-1                    pop, CNN promo            D3A8 RPR-Eins good  MH
                _lR_dins  _Super-_  RPR_Eins  ___Shtr-  __hits__
                Hitradio  wurnscht  __Gute__  __Fahrt_  __durch_
                ___die__  __Nacht_  RPR_tans  _Supdie_
02.13 101.8 BEL RTBF-2                   // others                 6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
02.14 101.1  D  SWR-3                    // 107.2                  D3A3 __SWR3__ good  MH
02.19  89.9  D  SWR-1                    pop music                 D3A1 SWR1_RP_ good  MH
02.35 107.4  D  SWR-4                    pop music                 D6A4 SWR4_KO_ good  MH
02.42  88.9 LUX RTL                      pop music                 7210 RTL-LUX. fair  MH
02.46 102.8  D                                                     D308          fair  MH
02.49 102.6  D  RPR-1                    "RPR Eins"                              fair  MH
02.52  99.1  D  SWR-1                    "SWR Eins"                              fair  MH
02.52  99.2  D  SWR-1                    // 99.1                                 fair  MH
02.52  97.7  D  SWR-1                    // 99.1                                 fair  MH
02.59 107.7 LUX DNR                      pop, ID at 2 mins past    72A9 __DNR___ fair  MH
03.04 107.1  D  SWR-4                    news, weather "SWR4"      DCA4          fair  MH
03.09 101.1  D  SWR-3                    pop music                 D3A3 __SWR3__ good  MH
03.39  88.0  D  SR-1                     music                     D3B1 __SR_1__ good  MH
03.40  89.8  D  SWR-1                    music, talk                             fair  MH
03.40  90.8  D  SWR-1                    // 89.8                                 fair  MH
03.40  91.1  D  SWR-1                    // 89.8                                 fair  MH
03.45  91.5 BEL RTBF Namur               YL report, OM, music      6852 RTBF_NAM good  MH
03.47  93.0  D  SWR-2                    classical music           D4A2 __SWR2__ good  MH
03.48  93.8  D  SWR-2                    // 93.0                                 fair  MH
03.49  93.9  D  SWR-2                    // 93.0                                 fair  MH
03.50  94.4  D  HR-1                     pop                       D361 __HR1___ good  MH
03.50  95.5  D  SR-3                     OM then pop               D3B3 __SR_3__ good  MH
03.54 100.4  D  un-id                    pop  (lots scrolling PS)  D408 _MGNBO   fair  MH

09.00  87.9  G  Air Fair Radio, Biggin Hill  pop, promo's IDs                    weak  MH

15.35  87.9  E  RNE-4                                              E314 RNE_4___ good  MH
16.03  87.6  E  Onda Cero                AF: 89.5                  E2EE ONDACERO good  MH
16.07  89.8  ?  un-id Arabic             OM with ?news?                          fair  MH
16.09  88.0  E  RNE-5                    OM talk and IDs           E615 RNE_5___ good  MH
                RT: 'Radio 5, Todo Noticias de Radio Nacional de Espana * RNE 5 *    '
16.27  90.0 POR 90 FM, Coimbra           music                     802A          weak  MH
17.04  90.0  E  RNE-5 Valencina, Sevilla                           E515 RNE_5___ weak  MH
17.06  90.0  E  RNE-2                                              E212 RNE-CLAS good  MH
17.57  95.4  E  RNE-3                    talk                      E213 RNE_3___ good  MH
                AF 95.4 : 91.4 98.5 104.4 104.7 95.8 99.3 105.5
17.59  93.1  E  SER                      talk, news                E239 __SER___ fair  MH
18.01  92.6  E  RNE-2                    music                     E212 RNE-CLAS fair  MH
                AF 92.6 : 93.7 94.5
18.03  90.6  E  Formula 1                OM talk                   E331 Formula1 fair  MH
18.06  88.3  E  Formula 1                OM talk                   E331 Formula1 fair  MH
18.08  87.6  ?  un-id Arabic             OM in Arabic                            fair  MH
18.11  92.2  E  R Azul, La Mancha        OM and music              E001          good  MH
                _RADIO__  _AZUL___  __SER___  LAMANCHA  92.2_F.M
                TU_RADIO  TELEFONO  __967___  _160556_
18.21  99.0  E  RNE-3                    YL song                   E213 RNE_3___ fair  MH
                AF 99.0 : 98.8 96.7
18.23 102.5  E  American Forces          talk about science                      fair  MH
18.34  89.8  E  COPE                     OM talk  AF: 95.2         E2CA __COPE__ fair  MH

June 1, 2000

Propagation - No E's noted at all today. But a tropo began around 2000 to France and Belgium. First tropo since I hooked up the vertical dipole to the dx tuner. Definitely needed for R Classique 101.1 and R Notre Dame 101.4 MHz, as these were inaudible on the horizontal 8 ele.

21.15  88.5  F  Fr Culture               OM talk                   F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
                AF 88.5: 89.0 89.4 95.8 97.3 97.8 97.9 102.8
                         87.9 88.3 98.5 98.8 89.5 89.8
21.17  89.2  F  Fr Musiques              OM, then opera song       F203 MUSIQUES good  MH
                AF 89.2: 87.8 88.4 92.1 92.7 93.3 93.5 88.7 89.7 90.8 91.4
                91.7 91.9 92.8 92.9 93.8 97.2 97.4 99.3 99.4 103.6
21.18  89.4  F  Fr Musiques              // 89.2                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
21.18  89.7  F  Fr Musiques              // 89.2                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
21.19  89.8  F  Fr Musiques              // 89.2                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
21.20  90.2  F  Fr Musiques              // 89.2                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
21.22  90.5 BEL RTBF-2, Wallonie         songs                     6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
21.23  91.8  F  Fr Musiques              // 89.2                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
21.23  92.0  F  Fr Musiques              // 89.2                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
21.24  92.1  F  Fr Musiques              // 89.2                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
21.24  92.6  F  Fr Inter                 OM talk                   F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
21.25  92.7  F  Fr Inter                 // 92.6                   F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
21.26  92.8 BEL RTBF-2, Wallonie         // 90.5                   6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
21.26  92.9  F  Fr Musiques              // 89.2                   F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
21.27  94.7  F  RF Frequence Nord        songs                     F905 RF_FNORD good  MH
                AF 94.7: 87.7 87.8 88.1 92.6 95.5 97.8 106.2
21.29  95.5  F  RF Frequence Nord        // 94.7                   F905 RF_FNORD fair  MH
21.30  96.0  F  Fr Culture               talk                      F202 _CULTURE good  MH
                AF 96.0: 88.4 90.0 91.5 92.3 88.1 88.2 92.4 93.3
21.33 101.4  F  R France Besancon        YL ID, music  (H-pol)     F905          fair  MH
21.39  87.8  F  Fr Inter, Paris          songs                     F201          fair  MH
21.41  88.0  F  Fr Culture               music                     F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
21.43  88.3  F  Fr Culture               // 88.0                   F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
21.45 105.1  F  FIP Paris                songs, ID                               fair  MH
23.00  87.7  F  Fr Culture               // 88.0                                 weak  MH
23.01  87.9  F  Fr Culture               // 88.0                                 weak  MH
23.05  98.0  F  Fr Culture               // 88.0                                 fair  MH
23.06  98.1  F  Fr Culture               // 88.0                                 fair  MH
23.10  99.4  F  Fr Culture               // 88.0                   F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
23.15 101.4  F  R Notre Dame             classical, tlk, ID (V-pol)              fair  MH
23.51 101.1  F  R Classique, Rouen       classical music           F221 CLASSIQ_ good  MH

May 31, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted today until after 1500 UTC. Then it was a static area of reception, with nothing heard above 93 MHz.

15.07  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             alone on channel til 1700 7202 INTER___ good  MH
17.03  87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor                                     B206          brief MH
17.14  88.0  I  Radio 105                pop                       5211 ._105__. fair  MH
17.16  87.7  I  Mondo Radio              pop  AF: 102.0            56C7 MONDORAD good  MH
17.24  88.0  F  France Musiques, Ajaccio                           F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
17.25  88.0  I  R Maria                                            51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
17.32  88.0  I  un-id                                              56A6          fair  MH
18.27  88.0  I  One O One Network (FR)                             5215          fair  MH
18.35  88.0  I  R Deejay                                           5214          brief MH
19.10  88.0  F  France Culture, (Alencon?)                         F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
19.22  87.65 I  Italia Network (TP)      pop                       5241 *ITALIA_ fair  MH
19.39  87.6  I  RAI-1. Monte Cavo (RM)   talk                      5201 RAI_MF1_ fair  MH
20.49  88.2  I  un-id                    music                     5EFF          fair  MH
20.49  88.6  I  R Radicale (RM)          talk                      5210 RADIO___ fair  MH
19.50  89.3  I  R Flash, where?          pop music                 5EC8          good  MH
                R*FLASH*  30360630  flashrd@  tin.it__
19.51  89.4  I  R Monte Carlo?           pop                       5213          weak  MH
19.52  89.5  I  R Flash, where?          pop music                 5E68          good  MH
                R*FLASH*  30360630  flashrd@  tin.it__
19.54  89.95 I  un-id                    music                     53AB   PANSNE fair  MH

May 30, 2000

Loggings - Added some more details to the logs from the 27th. In particular 101.7 is R Panorama from Greece with 600 Watts, 97.7 is R Stn Lehovo with 2 kW.

Propagation - Any other time, today would have been called a good day for Band 2 dx. Plenty to hear again today, just not quite in the same league as the weekend. Would have heard more except I had my little helper, and he wants to play football etc. So a lot of auto-logging and recordings done on 87.6 MHz.

08.26  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ good  MH
08.47 107.6  I  R Azzurra (AP)           pop music                 55D5          good  MH
                *AZZURRA  RADIO___  _AZZURRA  _GRANDE_  COME_TE!
                __BUON__  _ASCOLTO  INFOLINE  __0735__  _587080_
                AF: 91.3 95.6 95.8 107.6 99.8 101.0 105.2
09.04 107.6  I  R Subasio                pop music                 53FD SUBASIO_ good  MH
09.06 106.0  I  R Capital                pop music                 5219 _CAPITAL good  MH
                AF: 88.1 104.9 88.0 89.1 92.8 104.5 104.8 107.4 92.7
10.06 101.8  I  un-id                    pop music                 5207          fair  MH
10.20  87.6 BUL R Shumen                 adverts, ID               no RDS        good  MH
10.32  87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor                                     B206 _SLAGER_ good  MH
10.49  87.6  I  Radiosa, Matera                                    5446          fair  MH
11.02  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203 _IMPULS_ fair  MH
11.21  87.6 POL PR, Krakow                                         3703          good  MH
                PRKRAKOW  _Rabka__  __12:25_  00:05:30

Again a lull in the afternoon for nearly 6 hours.

17.05  87.6  S  SR-1                                               E201 -SR_P1-_ good  MH
18.15  87.7  I  R Venere                 pop                       544A          fair  MH
18.38  87.6  I  Italia R                                           5233 ITALIA_R fair  MH
18.48  87.6  I  Radiosa, Matera                                    5446          fair  MH
18.52  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
19.08  87.6  ?  un-id beaming SE         OM ? lang with programme credits        fair  MH
19.12  87.6  ?  un-id beaming SW/NE      Dire Straits                            brief MH

May 29, 2000

Propagation - This must qualify as one of the earliest E's openings ... 03.33 UTC.

03.33  87.6 HRV HR-2                                               6342 HRT-HR_2 fair  MH
04.40  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)   dominant until 0552       5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
04.59  87.6  I  R Dimensione Suono                                 5264          brief MH
05.06  87.6  I  Italia R                                           5233          brief MH
05.53  87.6  I  R Dimensione Suono                        *_RDS_*_ 5264 DIMSUONO good  MH
                RT: 'RDS L'UNICA CON IL 100X100 DI GRANDI SUCCESSI                   '
06.02  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis             dominant until 0710       7202 INTER___ fair  MH
06.24  87.6  I  Italia Network                                     5241          poor  MH

Then again a period of over 6 hours with nothing coming in, until ...

12.51  89.3  E  RNE-5                    dominant until 1350       E615 RNE_5___ good  MH
                RT: 'Radio 5, Todo Noticias de Radio Nacional de Espana * RNE 5 *    '
15.10  89.3 POR RDP-2, Lousa             solid until 1610          8202 ANTENA_2 good  MH
                RT: '    ANTENA 2 - RADIO CLASSICA      A Grande Musica e o resto.   '
                AF: 93.9 88.4 104.2 89.3 88.4 92.9
16.10  89.3  E  SER                                                E239 __SER___ brief MH
16.22  89.3  E  RNE-1                                              E211          brief MH
16.24  89.4  E  Cadena Cien                                        E2CE          brief MH
17.39  87.8 TUN RTCI                     OM talk                   7202 RTCI____ good  MH
17.41  91.8 TUN RTCI                     OM talk                   7202 RTCI____ good  MH
17.44  99.2 TUN ERTT                     English ballads           7202 INTER___ good  MH
18.31  87.7 POR RDP-1, Mendro            talk                      8201 ANTENA_1 good  MH
18.48  88.0  E  RNE-5                                              E615 RNE_5___ fair  MH
18.49  95.2  E  RNE-1                    OM talk                   E211 RNE_1___ good  MH
                RT: 'Radio 1 de Radio Nacional de Espana '
                AF: 95.2 91.2 103.5
18.50  96.0  E  RNE-3                                              E213 RNE_3___ good  MH
                RT: 'Radio 3 de Radio Nacional de Espana.                            '
                AF: 87.8 93.9 98.6 98.8 106.8
18.52  99.2  E  R Surco, Castilla la Mancha                        F27A          fair  MH
18.54 103.4 POR R Renascenca             Financial type news       8221 ___RR___ good  MH
18.55 103.5  E  un-id (Canal Sur?)       OM/YL talk                E332          fair  MH
18.58  93.3  E  Onda Cero                slow pop                  E2EE ONDACERO fair  MH

Propagation - Graham Powell also sent his logs from this afternoon.

13.35  87.6  E  RNE-5, Marbella. Om with full 'RNE' ID                           brief GP
13.44  88.3  E  SER,  OM in Spanish with phone-in                       __SER___ good  GP
13.47  90.8  E  Ondacero, Malaga. Yl in Spanish                         ONDACERO good  GP
14.42  87.9  I  Radio Maria. YL with ID in Italian                               fair  GP
14.54  88.0  E  RNE-5, Malaga. Traffic news, spanish OM                 RNE_5___ excel GP
15.09  87.6 MRC RTM-A, Rabat. AA music and OM in AA // 15345.  Mono              good  GP
15.13  87.7 POR RDP-1, Mendro. Portuguese pops and OM in PP             ANTENA_1 Vgood GP
15.22  88.8  E  Cad-Cien, Caceres. OM and YL in Spanish                 CAD-CIEN good  GP
15.25  87.6  E  Ondacero. Yl in Spanish                                 ONDACERO good  GP
15.29 106.7  E  Nostalgia. OM with advs and jingles. Spanish            NSTALGIA excel GP
15.35  92.4  E  Radiole, Madrid. Yl in Spanish with music               RADIOLE_ good  GP
15.38 106.1  E  Nostalgia. English Oldies music and OM in Spanish       NSTALGIA excel GP
15.41  95.2  E  RNE-1, Punta Umbria? OM talking in Spanish              RNE_1___ vgood GP
15.46  95.5  E  Ondacero, Cadiz. YL in Spanish                          ONDACERO good  GP
15.56 105.1  E  Canalsur, Malaga?  Yl with Spanish programming          CANALSUR good  GP
16.11  95.9  E  Ondacero, TX? 2 x YL in Spanish                         ONDACERO good  GP
16.13  95.75 E  Unid. English music and OM in Spanish                   CUARENTA good  GP
16.17  87.9  E  SER,  OM in Spanish with phone-in                       __SER___ good  GP
16.32  87.6  S  SR-1, Sweden! Yl in Swedish for sixty seconds totally   -SR_P1-_ Excel GP
                dominating 87.6 before Morocco came over the top to
                dominate for the next sixty seconds then SR-1 back over
                the top to dominate for another couple of minutes before
                giving way to Morocco again
16.40  87.75 E  Ondacero. Music and YL in SS // 90.8  no RDS noted               Vgood GP
17.10  87.6  E  Catalunya Informacio, unid site. OM with several ID's            good  GP
17.41  88.3  E  Cad-Cien. Spanish pops and OM with ID jingle. SS        CAD-CIEN Vgood GP
17.47 105.3  E  Onda Regional Murcia, Carrascoy. OM in Spanish          ONDA_REG good  GP
17.51  90.7  E  CAD-DIAL. YL in Spanish                                 CAD-DIAL good  GP
18.08  87.9  E  SER,  OM in Spanish with phone-in                       __SER___ good  GP
18.14  94.5  E  RNE-2, Jerez? Classical piano music                     RNE-CLAS good  GP
18.24 106.3  E  RNE-5, Jerez? Traffic news (over usual Bridge FM !!)    RNE_5___ Vgood GP
18.30  95.6  E  CAD-DIAL. YL in Spanish (Killing nearby Radio Bristol)  CAD-DIAL good  GP
18.34 105.2  E  RNE-1, San Roque, Cadiz. OM talking in Spanish          RNE_1___ excel GP
18.48  94.9  E  RNE-3, TX? English pop music and OM in Spanish          RNE_3___ excel GP
18.51  93.8  E  Radiole, TX? Spanish ballards and folk music            RADIOLE_ excel GP
18.52 100.9  E  RNE-1, TX? OM talking in SS ( Killing Galaxy 101 )      RNE_1___ excel GP
18.56 102.5  E  Formula 1, TX? OM in Spanish (Killing Orchard FM)       FORMULA1 excel GP
19.03  96.0  E  RNE-3, TX? French folk song and OM in Spanish           RNE_3___ excel GP
19.07  88.6  E  RNE-2, Aitana. Classical guitar music                   RNE-CLAS good  GP
19.12  93.6  E  RNE-2, TX? Classical guitar music                       RNE-CLAS good  GP
19.16 105.8  E  RNE-5, TX? OM with full ID in Spanish                   RNE_5___ Vgood GP
19.17  87.8  E  RNE-3, TX? Jazz music and OM in Spanish                 RNE_3___ excel GP

May 28, 2000

Propagation - Morning opening to Tunisia/Italy which then progressed to Spain/Portugal. The auto-logging was on 87.6, and I got home at 1140, when it had already moved round to Spain.

03.37  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203          brief MH
06.57  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ good  MH
07.04  87.6  I  Radiosa, Matera                                    5446          good  MH
                _RADIO__  RADIOSA_  *SEMPRE*  *CON_TE*  LIVE_SU_
                INTERNET  CON_HSH_  _GRANDI_  EMOZIONI    _09:09
07.56  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ good  MH
08.31  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
09.19  87.6  I  Italia R                                           5233 ITALIA_R fair  MH
09.25  87.6  I  R Dimensione Suono                                 5264          good  MH
                *_RDS_*_  DIMSUONO
                RT: 'ASCOLTA E VINCI CON RDS,CHIAMA I                                '
                RT: 'RDS L'UNICA CON IL 100X100 DI GRANDI SUCCESSI                   '
09.31  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ good  MH
10.00  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis                                       7202 INTER___ good  MH
10.52  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
11.00  87.6  I  R Dimensione Suono                                 5264          good  MH
                *_RDS_*_  DIMSUONO
11.41  87.9  E  SER                      song                      E239 __SER___ fair  MH
                AF: 103.2
11.42  88.0  E  RNE-5                    YL talk                   E615 RNE_5___ fair  MH
11.43  89.8  E  COPE                     YL talk                   E2CA __COPE__ fair  MH
11.45 105.1  E  un-id                    YL talk, song             E332          fair  MH
11.46 103.1  E  un-id                                              E213          weak  MH
11.47 103.5  E  RNE-1, Andalucia         YL/OM talk                E811 RNE1-AND good  MH
11.48 102.4  E  Cadena Dial, Sevilla     songs                     E274 CAD-DIAL good  MH
11.50 103.2  E  SER                      OM talk                   E039 __SER___ fair  MH
11.52  99.6  E  Cadena 100, Sevilla      OM talk                   E2CE CAD-CIEN fair  MH
11.55  95.2  E  RNE, Andalucia           YL song                   E811 RNE_AND_ good  MH
                RT: 'Estamos transmitiendo programacion territorial. * RNE 1-REG *   '
11.55  95.1  E  un-id                    talk                      E256          fair  MH
11.56  94.4 POR Antena 2                 OM talk                   8202 ANTENA_2 fair  MH
12.00 102.0 POR 102 FM Radio             adverts                   80A9 _102FM__ good  MH
                RT: '102 FM RADIO    INTONIZE A  EGIAO !                             '
12.02  99.0  E  RNE-3                    adverts                   E213 RNE_3___ fair  MH
                AF: 98.8 96.7
12.03  97.9 POR Antena 1                 (drilling sound)          8201 ANTENA_1 good  MH
12.05  95.2  E  RNE-1                    news                      E211 RNE_1___ good  MH
                RT: 'Radio 1 de Radio Nacional de Espana '
12.09  92.1  ?  un-id                    slow Arabic song                        fair  MH
12.10  93.7  ?  un-id                    faster tempo Arabic songs               fair  MH
12.11  94.5  ?  un-id                    //93.7                                  weak  MH
12.11  99.2 POR Antena 1                 song  AF:88.9             8201 ANTENA_1 fair  MH
12.13  87.6 POR Seixal FM                OM news report            8042 SEIXALFM fair  MH
12.18  89.3 POR Antena 2                 song  AF:88.4             8202 ANTENA_2 fair  MH
12.27  93.7 POR R Renascenca             talk                      8221 ___RR___ fair  MH

Then over 6 hours of nothing coming in, until ...

18.57  87.6 POL PR Krakow                music                     3703 PRKRAKOW fair  MH
                PRKRAKOW  _Rabka__  __21:09_  00:05:28
                RT: 'Radio Krakow pozdrawia swoich sluchaczy                         '
                AF: 100.0 100.6
18.59  87.75 ?  un-id // 88.0            classical music           no RDS        fair  MH
19.03  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Bratislava    pop                       2311          brief MH
19.20  87.6  ?  un-id // 87.75 88.0      classical music           no RDS        fair  MH
19.46 101.1 POL RMF FM                   OM/YL talk                3F44          fair  MH
19.48 102.0 POL PR Rzeszow               OM talk                   3417          good  MH
                WITAMYz  lub_557_  TESTAN01
19.50  99.6 POL PR-3, Przemysl           OM talk                   3233          good  MH
                _POLSKIE  __RADIO_  _TROJKA_  PRZEMYSL
                Niedziel  00_05_28  _21_50__  
                RT: 'ul  Mysliwiecka 3-5-7, 00-977 Warszawa                          '
                RT: 'Polskie Radio SA, Program Trzeci                                '
19.53  93.0 POL RMF FM, Katowice         pop music                 3F44          good  MH
                _RMF_FM_  Katowice
                AF: 100.0 97.1 92.0
19.55  92.0 POL PR-3, Rzeszow            OM talk                   3233 _TROJKA_ fair  MH
19.56  89.4  ?  un-id // 87.6 87.75 88.0 piano music               no RDS
19.57  87.6 POL PR Krakow                music                     3703          good  MH
                PRKRAKOW  __21:57_  00:05:28
19.58  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Bratislava    pop music                 2311 FUNRADIO fair  MH
20.00 107.4 POL Radio Zet, Koszalin      OM news                   3205 RadioZET good  MH
                RadioZET  22:00___
20.06  98.3 HNG R Danubius, Miskolc      News, Sport, ID, promos   B205 DANUBIUS fair  MH
20.11  99.7 POL PR-3, Katowice           OM song                   3233   TO  CE fair  MH
                AF: 91.7 90.3
20.12  99.4 POL PR-3, Krakow             OM/YL                     3233 _K    W_ fair  MH
                AF: 99.7
20.15  93.0 POL RMF FM, Katowice         pop music                 3F44          good  MH
                _RMF_FM_  Katowice  _93_MHz_
20.21  92.2 SVK SR S1                    OM/YL talk                5201 SRo_-_S1 good  MH
20.21  92.1 CZE CR-1                     radioplay                 232F __CR_1__ good  MH
                AF: 91.3 92.5 88.5 89.7 95.1 99.5 101.4
                RT: 'Dopoledni Radiozurnal * rady, tipy, informace pro vas           '
20.23  92.0 POL PR-3, Rzeszow            OM talk                   3233          good  MH
                _POLSKIE  __RADIO_  _TROJKA_  _KROSNO_
                Niedziel  00_05_28  _22_23__
20.24  90.3 POL PR-3, Opole              OM talk                   3233          good  MH
                _POLSKIE  __RADIO_  _TROJKA_  _OPOLE__
                Niedziel  00_05_28  _22_24__
20.28 103.6 POL R Plus, Tarnow           music, OM                 30FF          good  MH
                _103.6__  _TARNOW_  __PLUS__  _101.2__  __88.3__ _WIEMY__
                CO_SIE__  SWIECI__  28/05/00
20.30 103.4 POL RMF FM                   talk, pop (Phil Collins)  3F44          fair  MH
                AF: 88.2

May 27, 2000

Propagation - Some early morning bits too which the auto-logging caught.

06.27  89.3  I  un-id                                              5389          fair  MH
10.18  89.3  E  RNE-1                                              E211 RNE_1___ fair  MH

Propagation - Big E's opening to South Eastern Europe. Many Greek stations right up to 108.0, but very few with RDS ... or the mutual interference prevented it working.

11.15  87.5  I  Radio Radicale           OM talk                   5210 RADIO_*_ fair  MH
11.49  89.7 HRV HR-1 (multi tx)          "America" from film       6341 HRT-HR_1 good  MH
11.52  97.7 GRC R St Lehovo, Florinas    music, adv's, ID's        1000          good  MH
                __DATE__  20_Apr00  Sa_14:VO  KASTORIA  PTOLE/DA  _KOZANH_
                LEHOVOU_  971_MHz_  FOR_ALL_  _GREECE_  _RADIO__  _LEHOVO_
                EIDHSEIS  MAGAZINO  __BBC___  _DWELLE_  R/LEHOVO  _971_MHZ
                THE_BEST  __MUSIC_  _ON_THE_  __AIR___  24_HOURS  _FM_971_
                TEL_  86  __71110_  __71444_  ON_LINE_  _STUDIO_  _DIGITAL
                _FM_971_  _FM_974_
12.05 101.7 GRC R Panorama, Florinas     pop                       1055          good  MH
                multi PS: radio___  101,7fm_  ********
12.16  98.3 BUL Darik R, Sofia           pop                       8203 __DARI   fair  MH
                AF: 87.9 96.4 98.3 100.4 106.2
12.19 107.2  ?  un-id                    adverts "Discoteka Paradiso"            good  MH
12.22 106.5  ?  un-id                    pop, YL adverts                         fair  MH
12.28 104.7  I  un-id                    adverts, Virgin Drinks, Brittany Spears fair  MH
12.30 103.4  I  R Orizzonti Activity (LE)pop, ads "ROA Your Radio" 5A37          good  MH
                *R.O.A.*  _RADIO__  ORIZZONT  ACTIVITY  __PIU'__  _UNICA__  __CHE___
12.37  99.5  I  R Parsifal (LE)          pop                       5020          fair  MH
                PARSIFAL  _MUSICA_  LA_VITA_  __0832__  _205205_  ___TI___
12.42  96.0  ?  un-id                    pop, OM                                 fair  MH
12.43  93.7  I  R Dimensione Suono       adverts                   5264 DIMSUONO fair  MH
12.48  92.1 HRV HR-1, Sljeme             OM/YL talk                6341 HRT-HR_1 good  MH
                AF 93.5 : 92.1 91.6
13.00  88.2  I  un-id                    OM/YL talk                5245 RADIO___ fair  MH
13.01  87.5  I  Radio Radicale           OM talk                   5210 RADIO_*_ fair  MH
13.02  87.9 AUT Oe-3 (multi tx)          OM talk in German    (poss A203)        weak  MH
13.06  87.8 AUT Oe-1 (multi tx)          YL into to OM, class mx   no RDS        fair  MH
13.09  87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor           songs, ID                 B206 _SLAGER_ good  MH
                RT: 'A 60-AS, 70-ES _VEK LEGNAGYOBB SLAGEREI _JJEL-NAPPAL. 23/507-400'
13.11  89.7 HRV HR-1 (multi tx)          news                      6341 HRT-HR_1 fair  MH
13.13  89.9 AUT Oe-2                     music, OM: "Radio Wien"   no RDS        fair  MH
13.20  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno           Abba, YL time ck + ID     2203 _IMPULS_ good  MH
                RT: 'RADIO IMPULS - CESKA MUZIKA KTERA VAS CHYTI                     '

and just when you thought it was over ... it began again.

15.21  87.7 SVK Fun Radio, Bratislava    music                     2311 FUNRADIO fair  MH
15.30  87.6  ?  un-id  // 87.75          classical music           no RDS        good  MH
15.30  87.75 ?  un-id  // 87.6           classical music           no RDS        good  MH
15.33 106.7  ?  un-id                    adverts and pop                         fair  MH
15.37 103.8 POL un-id                    YL talk, song             3001 _RZESZOW fair  MH
15.38 103.6 POL R Plus, Tarnow           OM, mx                    30FF          good  MH
                __PLUS__  _103.6__  _TARNOW_  __PLUS__  _101.2__  __NOWY__
                __SACZ__  __PLUS__  __88.3__  KRYNICA_  _WIEMY__  CO_SIE__
                SWIECI__  __####__  ___17:38  27/05/00
                RT: 'RADIO   *PLUS*  TARNOW  103.6 FM BEMA 14 TEL-014-6275050********'
15.48 102.0 POL Polskie R, Rzeszow       OM talk, music            3417 (multi)  good  MH
                POLSKIE_  _RADIO__  Rzeszow_  102_MHz_  WITAMY_!  _DZWON__
                6783-681  lub_017_  862-5555  TEL_017_  8521-501  ZOSTAN__
                RT: 'Polskie Radio Rzeszow ul Zamkowa 3 35-032 Rzeszow               '  
15.54 101.4 CZE CR-1                     pop                       232F __CR_1__ good  MH
15.55 100.4 SVK SR S-1                   YL talk                   5201 SRo_-_S1 good  MH
15.57 100.3 SVK Rock FM                  Rock music                5203 ROCK_FM_ good  MH
15.59 104.3 SVK Rock FM                  Rock music, nx, sport     5203 ROCK_FM_ good  MH
                RT: 'ROCK FM RADIO P O BOX 90 817 9O BRATISLAVA 15 TEL 5249 89 25-6  '
16.06  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno           Pink Floyd track          2203 _IMPULS_ good  MH
16.08  89.6 CZE AZ Radio                 YL and music              2063 AZ_RADIO good  MH
16.10  89.6  ?  another stn xd AZ R      pop                       5472 arad     brief MH
16.11  91.6  I  R Monte Carlo FM (NA)    pop, DJ, Mariah Carey     5213 _RMC_FM_ good  MH
                RT: ' RMC ITALIA     VIA  TURATI,9   20121   MILANO  '
                RT: ' LINEE   GIOCHI   02/29001636   '
16.20  87.9  I  R Camaldoli Stereo (NA)  pop, dead air, more pop   5045          good  MH
                28_Mag00  Sa_17:32  **_IL_**  GRANDE+*  *POTERE*  **DELLA*
                *MUSICA*  THE*BEST  _*RADIO*  CAMALDLI  *STEREO*  FM87.900
                FM88.600  POWERKIT  *R.C.S.*  NETWORK.  TEL*166/  16-74-96
                *PER_LO*  _*SPOT*_  TELEFONA  8834700*  *SE_HAI*  PROBLEMI
                _*AMORE*  *SALUTE*  *AFFARI*  *CHIAMA*  GENNARO_  D'AURIA_
                DA_OGNI*  **MALE**  **_PER_*  CONTATTI  8834700*  8834483*
                **0360**  28-59-25  
16.27  88.6  I  R Camaldoli Stereo (NA)  // 87.9                   5045          fair  MH
16.28  89.8  I  New R Network            pop                       52FF (multi)  fair  MH
                __NEW___  _RADIO__  NETWORK_  *N.R.N*_
                RT: '         Automaz        io      , Vi    Eu      5,  1100 Varese.'
                RT: 'tiesseci        33    289164  289177. Messaggio Test RadioText.    '
16.32 106.9  I  R Dimensione Suono       Spice Girls               5264 DIMSUONO good  MH
16.33 107.5  I  Tour Radio               pop, DJ                   5446 __TOUR__ good  MH
16.38 107.0  I  R Maria                  talk                      51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
16.40 106.9  I  ?Kiss Kiss?              OM, adverts               531F KKITALIA good  MH
16.46  93.7  I  R Italia Network         advert, OM ID, music      5241          fair  MH
16.47  94.1  I  un-id  // 94.6                                                   fair  MH
16.53  90.0  I  R Maria                  OM/YL talk                51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
17.00  87.6 HNG Slager R, Gyor           OM news                   B206 _SLAGER_ good  MH
17.03  89.5 HNG Juventus R               OM, song, adverts, music  B4A1 JUVENTUS good  MH
17.10  92.1  I  un-id                    pop/rock music            50DE          brief MH
17.11 107.2  I  R Norba                  rock/pop                  5353 R-NORBA_ good  MH
17.11 107.0  I  R Norba                  rock/pop                  5353 R-NORBA_ fair  MH
17.12 106.9  I  R Capital                pop, jingle ID            5219 _CAPITAL fair  MH
17.14 107.95 I  un-id  also 108.0 un-id                                          fair  MH
17.17 106.5 CZE CR Brno                  Chatanooga Choo Choo      2A02 CR_BRNO_ good  MH
                RT: 'CRO BRNO 106,5 93,1 ZLIN 97,5 JIHLAVA 87,9 107,1 HO 93,6 ZN 97,3'
17.32  90.1 SVK SR S-1                   OM talk                   5201 SRo_-_S1 fair  MH
17.35  89.7  I  R Dimensione Suono       pop, adverts              5264 DIMSUONO good  MH
17.41 107.3 HNG MR-3, Bartok Radio       classical music           B202 _Bartok_ good  MH
17.43 107.2  ?  un-id                    pop                       0003 (multi)  fair  MH
                FM_107,2  TEL_041_  282001-2  **O.K.**
17.59  89.9 AUT Oe-2, R Wien             "Radio Wien Nachrichten"  no RDS        fair  MH
18.06 105.1 HNG MR-3, Bartok Radio       reklama, OM, class mx     B202 _Bartok_ good  MH
18.11  94.5  I  Italia R                 jingle ID                 5233 ITALIA_R fair  MH
18.19  90.4  I  R Deejay                 Gerry Rafferty record     5214 _DEEJAY_ fair  MH
18.20  94.0  I  un-id  ??R Cuore??       pop                       522F leGRANDI fair  MH
18.21  94.2  I  Radio M                  pop, ID, adverts          5158          good  MH
                RADIO.M.  CALABRIA  24.SU.24  *94.200*  *96.100*
                Tel.0966  "870222"  ==FAX===  "870311"  27 May00
                PIZZERIA  __LUNGO_  __MARE__  _SCILLA_
18.32  87.75 ?  tv sound ??              woman in crowd, adverts   no RDS        good  MH
18.34  88.0  I  (pres Radio 105)         rock/pop                  5211          poor  MH
18.37  96.1  I  R Radicale               OM talk                   5210 RADICALE good  MH
18.42  88.0  I  R Maria                  music, YL talk            51CC R.MARIA_ good  MH
18.44  94.7  I  RAI-1                    OM talk                   5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
18.46  95.1 GRC un-id                    Greek songs               1001 _PANI_   fair  MH
18.47  93.8 GRC un-id                    Greek songs               no RDS        good  MH
18.50 107.2  ?  un-id (as above at 1743) pop                       0003 (multi)  fair  MH
                FM_107,2  TEL_041_  282001-2  **O.K.**
18.56  92.1  I  Radio K2 (who?)          rap music                 533D RADIO_K2 fair  MH
19.01  87.7  D  Bayern 1                 OM reading news           D311          weak  MH
19.02  90.1  ?  un-id (German lang)      YL reading news                         fair  MH
19.04  90.4  D  Bayern 3                 Das Net Radio             D313 BAYERN_3 fair  MH
19.06  91.6  ?  un-id  Greek??           OM talk, YL adverts       1202    ER__  fair  MH
19.08  93.9  I  R Maria                  OM talk                   51CC R.MARIA_ fair  MH
19.09  94.3  I  Radio CL1                pop                       50FE RADIOCL1 fair  MH
19.23  91.8 GRC un-id                    Greek music                             good  MH

More Comment - When the band was really open to Greece, there were stations on every channel. But very few appeared to have RDS, or at least not much was decodable. The stations weren't overly strong, around 20dB on the Sony, but the band was full, and I mean full!

May 26, 2000

Propagation - Just installed a 6 element Yagi in the loft beaming SSW, and came back down to see what difference it made ... and up popped Spain and Portugal. Even stranger is the fact that it's been pouring with rain for the last 4 hours, hardly Sporadic E weather.

14.40  87.6  E  Onda Cero, Plasencia     OM/YL, music, ID          E2EE ONDACERO fair  MH
14.46  90.0  E  Cadena Cien, Salamanca   music, OM                 E2CE SALA     fair  MH
14.51  90.0 POR Radio 90 FM, Coimbra     music, OM                 802A __90FM__ good  MH
14.57  87.8 POR un-id                    adverts, pips, news       809C       RO fair  MH
15.03  90.0  E  Cadena Cien, Salamanca   music                     E2CE CAD-     fair  MH
15.04  92.0 POR R Comercial, Mendro      adverts                   8203 COMRCIAL good  MH
                AF heads: 91.9 96.1 98.9 92.0 99.8 96.8 88.1 98.2 90.8 97.4 88.7
15.07  93.1 POR un-id                    music, YL                               fair  MH
15.09  93.4 POR Antena 2, Faro + 1 list  classical music           8202 ANTENA_2 fair  MH

Propagation - Another opening much later in the evening.

21.15  88.0  E  SER, Tarancon            talk                      E239       ON fair  MH
21.22  87.9  E  RNE-4                    talk                      E314 RNE-4___ fair  MH
21.28  87.6  E  Cadena Cien, Cordoba     OMs talk                  E2CE CAD-CIEN good  MH
                AF: 88.2 88.8 89.4 99.6                                 CORDOBA_
21.31  90.1  E  R Surco                  music                     F27A          weak  MH
21.33  90.0  E  RNE-2                    blank carrier             E212 RNE-CLAS good  MH
                AF: 97.3 91.1 96.4 90.4 97.5 93.7 92.8
21.36  89.3  E  COPE                     OM talk, netw ID, adverts E2CA __COPE__ good  MH
                AF: 100.7 102.5                                         GUADALAJ
21.41  89.8  E  RNE-2                    blank carrier             E212 RNE-CLAS good  MH
                AF: 89.8 98.8 103.9 92.8 90.0 93.6 93.0
21.43  92.0  E  Onda Cero                network ID, talk          E2EE ONDACERO fair  MH
21.44  94.5  E  RNE-3                    music                     E213 RNE-3___ fair  MH
21.45  94.5  E  RNE-1                    talk                      E211          brief MH
21.46  94.5  E  RNE-2                    very quiet music          E212 RNE-CLAS brief MH
                AF: 94.5 98.2 92.4
21.49  88.0  E  SER Tarancon             talk                      E239 __SER___ good  MH
                AF: 105.4                                               TARANCON
21.50  90.1  E  R Surco, Castilla        pop, YL DJ, 2200 OM       F27A _RADIO__ good  MH
                multi PS: _RADIO___  _SURCO__  CASTILLA  90.1_F.M  TELEFONO  __967___
                RT:RADIO SURCO 90.1 FM  CASTILLA LA MANCHA TELEFONO 967 138 000 ---
22.05  87.6 MRC RTM                      OM in Arabic              no RDS        fair  MH

May 25, 2000

Propagation - Couple of brief meteor pings earlier this morning.

02.49  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201   I_MF1_ brief MH
09.21  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2203   MP     brief MH

Websites - Updated some of the Spanish & Italian radio websites on this page, also Radio Subasio and Radio Radicale.

May 24, 2000

Propagation - Couple of brief bursts of Italian on 87.6 around 1300, and RTBF rose above the noise occasionally. Also a very weak Indian or Arab station right in the noise 1300-1600, time pips on the hour, but not identified ... very weak. Possibly a satellite receiver spurious output, but it did vary in strength and died away when the rain started.

RSL - James Vertigan found Radio St Helier's website.

Websites - Added a handful more UK ILR websites to the Commercial RDS Page.

May 23, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted today.

May 22, 2000

Propagation - 1 hour E's opening to Italy, Sardinia and Tunisia. Then a gap as the propagation swung around to Spain (Galicia) and Portugal. After checking various Italian websites, seems that Sardinia was definitely the preferred area today.

13.05  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis.            YL talk and music         7202 INTER___ fair  MH
13.14  87.5  I  R Deejay, Arbatax (NU), Sardinia
                                         pop                       5214 _DEEJAY_ fair  MH
13.18  92.4  I  RTL 102.5, Cagliari (CA), Sardinia
                                         adverts                   5218 RTL102.5 good  MH
13.22  92.7  I  RAI-2, Monte Serpeddi (CA), Sardinia
                                         music                     5202 RAI_MF2_ good  MH
13.25  89.3  I  R Macomer Centrale, Macomer (NU), Sardinia
                                         OM ID, music, jingle ID   no RDS        good  MH
13.33  89.6  I  R Planargia, Bosa, Sardinia
                                         adverts 0785..., music    56E8 R.P.BOSA fair  MH
13.37  88.2  I  Latte Miele, Cagliari (CA), Sardinia
                AF: 87.6                 YL-OM talk                5355 LATMIELE fair  MH
13.39  88.6 TUN ERTT, Bou-Kornine.       songs                     7201 Rd-Jeune fair  MH
                AF: 98.2 92.0
13.40  97.5  I  un-id "Oggi"             adverts, OM talk                        fair  MH
13.43  98.0  I  R Margherita, Oristano (OR), Sardinia
                                         slow songs                5043 MARGHRTA good  MH
13.48  90.1  I  RAI-1, Monte Argentario (GR)
                                         YL-OM talk                5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH
13.50  93.8 TUN ERTT, Hmeima.            pop song When I need you  7201 NATIONAL good  MH
                AF 96.6 : 96.5 89.1 89.6
13.55  91.5  I  un-id                    adverts for Computers, Virgin Cola      fair  MH

14.30  88.0 POR RDP-2, Minheu.           classical music           8202          fair  MH
14.31  87.6 POR un-id                    OM talk in PT                           fair  MH
14.31  87.8  E  Cadena Cien, Vigo        disco mx, OM, ads, jingle E2CE CAD-CIEN good  MH
                AF: 88.4 89.6 92.4                                      __VIGO__
14.45  95.6  E  Cadena SER, Arosa        advert                    E043 CAD_SER_ good  MH
14.46  99.0  E  RNE-3 .. 3 listed, Galicia likely.  song           E213 RNE_3___ fair  MH
14.51  93.7 POR R Renascenca, Porto.     OM talk // 94.2                         fair  MH
14.53  94.2 POR R Renascenca, Marofa.    OM talk // 93.7                         weak  MH
14.55  94.7 POR un-id                    OM in PT, adverts                       weak  MH

May 19-21, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted.

May 18, 2000

Propagation - 1 hour 15 minute E's opening to Tunisia late this afternoon. Never very strong, but only slow fades.

17.40  87.6 TUN ERTT, Zarzis.            OMs talking, music        7202 INTER___ fair  MH

May 16, 2000

Propagation - 15 minute Sporadic E opening to Italy this afternoon at the bottom of the band. John Faulkner, in Sutton in Ashfield, also noted the opening, and he heard R Dimensione Suono on 87.5 & 87.6 MHz.

15.43  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM).                            5201 RAI_MF1_ good  MH

May 15, 2000

Propagation - Low strength tropo signals from South Coast and North France.

21.15  94.7  F  RF Frequence Nord, Lille.  Music                   F905 RF_FNORD good  MH
21.20  96.5  F  France Inter, Rouen.  Talk and music               F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
21.21  97.5  G  Ocean FM, Portsmouth.  Pop classics, ID                          weak  MH
21.25  99.2  F  Cherie FM, Abbeville.  Pop, ID jingles                           weak  MH
21.30 103.2  G  Power FM, Southampton.  Adverts, ID                              weak  MH

May 6, 2000

RDS - Choice FM on 96.9 now RDS as Choice-S and they've changed the PI code to C8B2. Choice-N (PI:C9B2) on 107.1 MHz launched May 3rd as planned. Both provide London-wide coverage in my observations.

RDS - Lloyd also noticed the two Wessex transmitters on 96.0 and 97.2 radiate slightly differing PS Names ... WESSEX__ and _WESSEX_

May 4, 2000

Propagation - Some minor tropo lifts today, noticed by Vincent Lo hearing KLFM for first time, also Dutch people were hearing some main UK transmitters up as far as Manchester.

RSL - Allison Barrow, Radio Development Assistant at the Radio Authority provided this explanation for their RSL pages being so out of date.

Please accept my apologies for not updating the RSL lists recently. We have had some staffing
problems lately in our IT department. We have now recruited a new IT administrator, and hope
to have the list functioning properly again soon.

May 3, 2000

UK Locals - Choice FM started official programming this morning on 107.1 MHz serving North London from a transmitter at Alexandra Palace. (James Vertigan).

April 30, 2000

RSL - Susy Radio began their latest 28 day RSL on April 28 using 107.6 MHz.
Tube Radio began their latest 22 (!) day RSL at midday on April 29 using 87.7 MHz. Phone line 020 8758 8477. (James Vertigan)

April 23, 2000

RDS - Updated the UK Commerical RDS page several times over the past few days.

April 17, 2000

UK locals - Choice FM 107.1 began test transmissions from Alexandra Palace. PS: Choice-N PI:C9B2. Announcing that regular programmes will begin Wed 3rd May.

April 15, 2000

RDS - Updated the UK Commercial RDS Page - thanks for the info, Neil.

April 14, 2000

RDS - Magic 105.4 in London was not radiating RDS for much of the daytime today, but it was back on by evening.

April 10, 2000

Unlicensed - The Radiocommunications Agency have a Press Release citing the success of prosecuting UK Radio, a long term hobby pirate.

April 7, 2000

Propagation - Steve Whitt in Suffolk and Dave Kenny in Caversham both report seeing an aurora last night, clearly visible in the night sky. It's very unusual for people in Southern Britain to witness auroras. Steve noted that the MW band was full of strong Spaniards and North Africans with many UK and northern European stations totally missing (by auroral absorption).

March 31, 2000

Unlicenced - Rinse FM are back on 87.6 MHz ... RDS RINSE_FM PI:8760 ... taking live shouts on 07977 966272. Panjab FM not noted on-air yet today ... but since their licence doesn't officially start until 1 April, they shouldn't have been on Weds or Thurs.

March 30, 2000

RSL - Panjab FM noted broadcasting music & songs on 87.7 MHz 1800-1940 UTC from Southall. RDS: PANJAB__ PI:C095. Announcing test transmissions but with a listener phone in line 0181 574 9591 and advertising music albums. (Thanks also to James)

March 29, 2000

RSL - Radio Panjab 87.7FM - (Ealing, W.London/Southall,Middx) Indian station for Vaisakhi celebrations heard broadcasting test transmissions on Wednesday evening between 7:30pm and 9pm with a slogan something along the lines of "The best music station - Panjab FM 87.7" - licence due to start on 1 April through until 15th April. (James Vertigan)

Unlicenced - Also new pirates noted on such frequencies as 96.0, 105.6 and 106.4 MHz. (Mark)

March 27, 2000

RDS - Mercury FM has now replaced Oasis on 96.6 MHz for St Albans/Watford. RDS: MERCURY_. PI: C786.

RDS - BBC London Live replaces BBC GLR. RDS name the very imaginative BBCLondn.

RDS - Crash FM in Liverpool has renamed itself "Juice". RDS now _Juice__. (Thanks Neil). And their website is currently "offline for updating".

March 24, 2000

RDS - Waves R, Peterhead is radiating WAVES_FM as its RDS Name since Dec 99 (Phillip Dack).

March 23, 2000

Propagation - One meteor ping this morning. 87.6 is still sandwiched between Rinse FM on 87.5 and RSLs on 87.7 MHz.

06.19  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_MF1_ brief MH

March 20, 2000

Propagation - Couple of meteor pings this morning. First for weeks that were strong enough for RDS.

06.01  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201 RAI_  1_ brief MH
06.02  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201     MF_1 brief MH

March 2, 2000

MW - County Sound in Guildford are now broadcasting on 1566 kHz and have ceased their 1476 kHz channel.

February 29, 2000

Pirate RDS - Bassline FM were using RDS Monday evening on 97.9 MHz. PI:0FFF PS: BASSLINE

February 20, 2000

RDS - Slough pirate Point Blank FM has changed frequency yet again and is now on 96.1 MHz.

Propagation - Again a decent size meteor ping to France this morning.

08.43  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg.                        F202 _CULTURE fair  MH

February 19, 2000

RDS - Yet another London pirate on-air with RDS, The Oscillator FM on 90.8 MHz.

00.50  90.8  G  The Oscillator FM                                  2334 OSC.90.8 strng MH

February 18, 2000

Propagation - Big meteor ping to France in the afternoon. Longest duration for some time.

00.41  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202   ULTURE short MH
14.12  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202 _CULTURE good  MH

February 17, 2000

RDS - BBC Radio 1 changes PS Name to Radio_1_ - Thanks Neil for the tip.

Propagation - Couple of meteor pings, plus the BBC Radio 1 change of PS Name.

00.59  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202          brief MH
02.13  87.7 SVK Funradio, Kosice                                   2311          brief MH
11.19  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
13.32  98.5  G  BBC Radio 1 .... with new PS Name                  C201 Radio_1_ strng MH

February 16, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted.

February 15, 2000

Propagation - Another London pirate gains (or rather regains) RDS with a different PI code than previously.

01.45  92.7  G  The Mac, London                                    59AD _MAC_FM_ strng MH

February 14, 2000

Propagation - Couple of meteor pings. Rinse FM back on but weaker and now without horizontal polarization it appears.

01.06  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg.                        F202          brief MH
13.54  87.7 SVK Funradio, Kosice                                   2311          brief MH

February 13, 2000

Grundig - Knut Otterbeck sent me a link to his Grundig Satellit website with details about all models.

February 11, 2000

DDH47 - DDH47 came through nice and clearly on 147.3 kHz for their last special broadcast commemorating 100 years of maritime radio in Germany. They have a website too (mostly in German). I've transcribed the entire broadcast (but for obvious reasons it won't be online here until after the end of March, which is their deadline for reception reports).

Propagation - Rinse FM have finally disappeared from 87.6 MHz, but alas there is still another pirate on that channel although rather weak here. No meteor pings yet noted here or on 87.7 MHz.

February 10, 2000

Propagation - Minor tropo to usual French and Belgian sites in the early hours, but no real dx noted.

00.43  90.4 BEL Radio 3, Egem.             classical music         6303 RADIO_3_ fair  MH
00.46  94.7  F  Frequence Nord, Lille      music                   F905 RF_FNORD fair  MH
00.51 103.7  F  France Inter, Lille        talk                    F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
00.52 105.2  F  France Info, Lille         talk                    F206 __INFO__ fair  MH
02.40  89.8  F  France Musique, Abbeville    classical music       F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH

February 9, 2000

Propagation - Monitored 89.9 MHz. Interesting when BBC R2 does pop up occasionally, but no real dx noted.

Italy MW - Steve Whitt is asking for details about RAI's local MW stations. He's currently got three sets of information which contradict each other.

February 7-8, 2000

Propagation - Monitored 87.9 MHz to no avail.

February 6, 2000

Propagation - Still some tropo in the early hours but it was quietening down.

03.34  97.1  F  France Musique, Mantes-la-Jolie.  classical        F203 MUSIQUES weak  MH

February 5, 2000

Propagation - At last some action as the high pressure weather moved SE into Europe.

06.15  87.9  F  Contact FM, Le Touquet.    Pop                     F931 CONTACT_ fair  MH
                Multiple PS Names   CONTACT_  ___FM___  TOUQUET_  HESDIN__
10.19  88.0  D  SR-1, Gottelborner Hohe.   adverts, ID, pop                      weak  MH
10.23  88.7  F  France Musiques, Lille.    classical music         F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
10.23  89.2  F  France Musiques, Reims.    classical music         F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
10.24  89.4  F  France Musiques, Epinal or Boulogne.  Class music  F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
10.24  89.8  F  France Musiques, Abbeville classical music         F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
10.25  90.3  D  un-id German ... probably WDR-5                                  weak  MH
10.25  90.4 BEL Radio 3, Egem.             classical music         6303 RADIO_3_ good  MH
10.25  90.5 BEL RTBF-2 Wallonie, Liege.    songs                   6352 WALLONIE good  MH
10.26  90.8 BEL Radio 21, Profondeville    talk                                  weak  MH
10.27  92.6 HOL NOS-2, Lopik               Dutch talk                            fair  MH
10.28  92.8 BEL RTBF-2 Wallonie, Profondeville.  songs             6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
10.30  93.9  D  un-id German  WDR-4??      adverts, weather reports              weak  MH
10.31  95.1  D  WDR-3, Langenberg.         classical music         D393 _WDR_3__ fair  MH
10.33  96.6 BEL RTBF-3, Anderlues          classical music         6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
10.34  95.6 BEL Radio 21, Liege.           pop                     6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
10.35  96.1 BEL RTBF-1, Premiere, Wavre.   music                   6351 PREMIERE good  MH
10.36  96.8  F  France Inter, Reims.       song, OM talk           F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
10.38  98.0  F  France Culture, Lille.     talk                    F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
10.39  99.1 BEL Radio 21, Anderlues        pop                     6354 RADIO_21 good  MH
10.40  99.5 BEL RTBF-3, Liege.             classical music         6353 MUSIQUE3 good  MH
10.42 100.2  G  Dream 100 FM               ID and pop                            weak  MH
10.43 101.1 BEL RTBF-2, Wallonie, Wavre    songs                   6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
10.44 101.4 BEL Studio Brussel, Genk       OM talk (Flemish)                     weak  MH
10.45 101.8 BEL RTBF-2, Wallonie, Tournai  songs                   6352 WALLONIE fair  MH
10.47 101.9  D  WDR-5, Stolberg            music                   D395          weak  MH
10.49 106.0 BEL RTBF-1, Premiere, Tournai  OM talk                 6351 PREMIERE fair  MH
10.51 104.7  D  un-id German ... probably WDR-1                                  weak  MH

February 4, 2000

RAJAR - The UK Radio website has details of the latest RAJAR listening statistics and responses from various stations.

February 2-3, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted from home. Did get a fade up of Century (Winter Hill) on 105.4 while south of the M4 near the A46 junction (just east of Bristol) around 2235.

February 1, 2000

Propagation - Brief tropo or tropo scat to Contact on 87.9

16.05  87.9  F  Contact FM, Le Touquet.                            F931          brief MH

January 25-31, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted at all. Bottom end of the band is completely over-ridden by Rinse FM on 87.6 MHz. They are strongest around J5 on the M4 indicating they're around the Slough / Langley area.

January 24, 2000

Propagation - Brief German ping on 107.1 MHz.

11.04 107.1  D  B5 Aktuel, Ochsenkopf                              D315          brief MH

January 23, 2000

Propagation - Pirate again on 107.1 MHz.

15.48 107.1  G  Outcast                                            EA49 OUTCAST_ fair  MH

London Pirates - Also noted the following pirates with RDS ... 88.4 _ICE_FM_ ... 92.5 TASTE_FM ... 100.3 RINSE_FM ... 103.8 N-POWER_ ...

Note that there are two RINSE_FM's, 87.6 is in West London (perhaps Langley), 100.3 is in SE London.

January 20-22, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted dx-wise on 107.1 MHz. The bottom end is still swamped by RINSE_FM on 87.6 MHz.

WRTH - WRTH Publications have made available a listing omitted from the WRTH 2000 book, namely that of the National Shortwave Services ... ie domestic SW stations. As their PDF file is huge and contains page breaks mid-line, I have used their data and produced my own documents. One or other of them should meet your needs. There's a DOC, an XLS, a PDF, a HTML and a TXT file all linked from here.

January 19, 2000

Propagation - But ... it couldn't last. Rinse FM back on 87.6 MHz. So back to 107.1 tonight.

01.29  87.6 TUN ERTT Int'l Service, Zarzis                         7202 IN  R_   brief MH
06.30  87.6 CZE R Impuls, Brno                                     2310          brief MH
20.11  87.6  G  Rinse FM, pirate             music                 8760 RINSE_FM loud  MH

January 18, 2000

Propagation - 87.6 is clear today !!

06.36  87.6  I  RAI-1, Monte Cavo (RM)                             5201          brief MH

January 17, 2000

Propagation - Weak tropo to usual France Musique outlets.

22.16  89.4  F  France Musique, Boulogne     classical music       F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
22.17  89.8  F  France Musique, Abbeville    classical music       F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH

January 16, 2000

Propagation - Tuned around to start with, then left it on 107.1, but again just found another pirate.

03.05  87.5  G  Bashment FM, pirate          music                 FFFF BASHMENT loud  MH
19.14 107.1  G  Outcast, pirate              music                 EA49 OUTCAST_ fair  MH

January 13-15, 2000

Propagation - Tried 87.9 again, but nothing doing.

January 12, 2000

Propagation - Rinse FM obviously noticed the RSL had gone off-air, and moved from 87.5 to 87.6 MHz changing their PI code appropriately.

01.07  87.6  G  Rinse FM, London pirate      music                 8760 RINSE_FM loud  MH
04.09  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202          brief MH
08.24  87.7 SVK Funradio, Kosice                                   2311          brief MH

January 11, 2000

Propagation - Still a fairly splatter free channel on 87.7 MHz.

02.23  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202          brief MH
06.07  87.7  F  France Culture, Strasbourg                         F202          brief MH

January 10, 2000

Propagation - The Arabic RSL in Ealing finished yesterday, but left its carrier on overnight. Pirate Rinse FM still on 87.5 MHz.

10.58  87.7 SVK Funradio, Kosice                                   2311          brief MH

January 9, 2000

Propagation - Tried 87.9, but nothing here apart from Asian pirate in Southall.

January 8, 2000

Propagation - Monitored 99.5 all day, but just Radio 1 made it through in the early morning.

January 7, 2000

Propagation - Weak tropo to Belgium. Many channels still blocked by pirates.

23.00  90.4 BEL Radio 3, Egem                classical mx          6303          fair  MH

January 3-6, 2000

Propagation - Nothing worthy of noting.

UK RDS list - Signal Cheshire becomes Imagine, and KFM becomes Mercury, plus other changes. RDS list updated. Thanks to Trevor and Jeff.

Joerg's unid - One contribution so far ... come on you polyglots!! Have a listen.

January 2, 2000

Propagation - Weak tropo to France.

09.00  87.9  F  Contact FM, Le Touquet       pop music             F931 CONTACT_ fair  MH
                Very fast changing RDS  CONTACT_  ___FM___  TOUQUET_  HESDIN__
                RT was the standard AEV Italy factory setting
                Date/Time was approx 2 hours 20 mins behind reality
09.04  88.4  G  Ice FM                       music                 1234 _ICE_FM_ good  MH
09.04  89.4  F  France Musique, Boulogne     classical music       F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
09.05  89.8  F  France Musique, Abbeville    classical music       F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
09.06  90.2  F  France Musique, Neufchatel   classical music       F203 MUSIQUES fair  MH
09.07  94.7  F  Frequence Nord, Lille        talk                  F905 RF_FNORD strng MH
09.08  95.5  F  Frequence Nord, Boulogne     talk                  F905 RF_FNORD fair  MH
09.09  96.0  F  France Culture, Neufchatel   talk                  F202 _CULTURE fair  MH
09.10  98.0  F  France Culture, Lille        talk                  F202 _CULTURE good  MH
09.12 103.3  F  France Inter, Boulogne       talk                  F201 __INTER_ good  MH
09.13 103.7  F  France Inter, Lille          talk                  F201 __INTER_ fair  MH
09.14 105.2  F  France Info, Lille           talk                  F206 __INFO__ good  MH
09.15 106.5  F  France Info, Boulogne        talk                  F206 __INFO__ fair  MH
09.30 100.2  G  Dream100 FM                  talk, pop, adverts                  weak  MH

January 1, 2000

Propagation - Nothing noted on FM ... but did try for SAQ on 17.2 kHz 1200-1330. Think I got some CW at 1235-1240 and again 1305-1319. But very weak and almost buried in local tv buzz etc.

Y2k - Everything fine here (as expected), though I have seen two incoming emails apparently dated as Year 100.

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