I recorded this station at 1115 UTC on Monday November 29, 1999 when tuned to 87.7 MHz FM.
The tuner is a Sony SA3ES Hi-Fi tuner fitted with throughout with 110 kHz IF filters and the aerial is a Triax FM8 at about 10 meters above ground. The tuner could also therefore receive 87.75 MHz (channel A-6 tv audio) quite happily, but not 87.6 or 87.8 MHz. I was monitoring 87.7 MHz for meteor scatter pings, recording the audio for later playback. The tuner's RDS decoder IC is hooked up to a PC for automatic logging RDS data, but no RDS data was present during this reception. The audio recording was made on a Mac ... 16 bit, 11.025 kHz sampling in mono.
Please listen to the audio recording of the reception. I have made several versions in different formats. I'd be very interested in what you think you hear, and where you think the station (or stations) is broadcasting from.
Either me with your contribution, or fill in the form below. Please also see the contributions page for already received comments, and the results page for a summary.
©Copyright 1996-2009 by Mark Hattam